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Share your secrets to manage stress

Susuky Cortez / The Journal

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 05:00

’40 Days without stress: Practical tools to free yourself from stress’, is the title of the book by Linda América Aguilera, the coach, writer and designer of the well-being model for the Mind-Body Balance for the Materialization of Desires, EMCM, through which he provides useful advice to the reader, who will learn what stress is, how it works in the body, different types of stress and how to combat them.

“It is my first book. The idea of ​​writing it arose when I was a child, since I have been a reader since I was little. Over time I imagined that one day my book would be available and after experiencing stressful situations, I gave myself training and study on the subject. I became a massage therapist to be able to support more people like me, to get ahead and see that there is a better lifestyle,” said Linda América for El Diario.

“Most of my patients who came to me, ninety percent were due to stress. At that moment I thought what else I can do for them. I saw the opportunity to do this challenge called ’40 Days without Stress’, so when I was doing the challenge for my patients, I knew it was time to write the book”, said the author.

The book is available on Amazon and deals with other topics such as depression, anxiety, happiness, facial paralysis, mental health, as well as recognizing your emotions, the stress-health relationship and an interview on anxiety in times of Covid.

She seeks to identify how stress manifests itself, what action to take depending on the type of stress; being able to participate in a short crisis intervention to help someone else or self-help, become aware of the importance of good mental health and prevent false starts, perform a 40-day challenge to help your body know that living without stress is possible, get to know yourself better from a specific way and thus achieve a better quality of life in which you really live fully.

“It is a great satisfaction, I have fulfilled my dream of being a published author, in addition my contribution to the community both for the tools it contains and this challenge for 40 days helps you slow down, it is a process, and people will wonder why what 40 days? It is the time in which the body recognizes when what you are doing is beneficial for you and those who do it will notice improvements in their health and in the way they relate to others”, he expressed.

Linda Aguilera said that she has always had the vocation to serve, combining preparation with life purpose, she supports people through her work to free themselves from stress, to achieve their goals and to support women to be reborn as their best version.

In addition, it offers programs, workshops, conferences, challenges and individual sessions; What motivates her is to get the community to adopt a healthy lifestyle, improve their quality of life with the support of techniques and tools for a comprehensive improvement, causing a positive impact on society.

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