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She apes him, he rolls his eyes: Verona Pooth and Thomas Anders chat about Dieter Bohlen

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From: Luke Einkammerer


Verona Pooth welcomes music legend Thomas Anders to her talk show. Of course, they also talk about Dieter Bohlen. The two don’t seem to be particularly enthusiastic about the pop titan.

Hamburg – With Modern Talking, Thomas Anders (59) and Dieter Bohlen (68) have six number one albums and hits for eternity with anthems like “Cheri Cheri Lady”. In 1989, the sensational duo separated and Dieter made headlines with his love life – after all, he was married to Verona Pooth (54) for just a month in 1996. Now, more than 25 years later, his ex-wife and ex-duet partner meet on TV and swap stories, including their personal experiences with the pop titan.

“Have a lot in common”: Thomas Anders and Verona Pooth gossip about Dieter Bohlen

In her new talk show “More Than Talking” – the title of which seems to be an allusion to her most notorious love affair – Verona Pooth meets well-known guests to talk. In the latest episode, she receives hit star Thomas Anders in her studio, where the guests sit on inflatable blue armchairs, and as a first preview reveals, the two seem to have a lot to talk about. It goes without saying that anecdotes about Dieter Bohlen are also on the agenda – with whom you both have had many points of contact over the years.

“We have a lot in common,” Verona hints and Thomas rolls his eyes for a moment when he suspects what’s coming, “I have to tell you an anecdote when I met Dieter Bohlen back then”. Her counterpart doesn’t seem surprised, but replies slightly annoyed: “I knew you’d come up with this”.

The former Miss Germany reviews a flattery from Dieter and appropriately imitates her ex: “Now you look like Thomas Anders. You also have fawn-colored eyes,” she explains his charming words and remembers how the music veteran raved about Thomas’ singing back then.

Dieter Bohlen: DSDS legend with nasty sayings

Dieter Bohlen is an absolute fan favorite – probably also because of his nasty sayings. The former DSDS boss did not fall on his tongue, always has a saying in store and polarizes with his often nasty comments – mostly against innocent DSDS candidates. Here are the nastiest sayings from DSDS boss Dieter Bohlen.

“Had a good day”: Thomas Anders mocks Dieter Bohlen in an interview with Verona Pooth

“He really said three nice things about you in one go,” she explains to Thomas Anders, who replies with a suppressed laugh: “But he had a good day.”

Even if he doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about talking about Dieter Bohlen during his talk show appearance, the Rhineland-Palatinate native has a compliment for the DSDS boss ready. “You really have to break a lance for Mr. Bohlen,” he praises his musical talent, while Verona Pooth makes fun of the whole thing, raises his hands and playfully reverently announces: “The pop titan!”

Although they share a meteoric career in pop music, the Modern Talking Partners are unfortunately anything but best friends today. “We don’t like each other like that,” Thomas Anders explained loudly once in his podcast, but also made it clear that despite everything, they are not at odds.

So it’s understandable that he and Verona Pooth, whose relationship with Dieter Bohlen came to an ugly end more than two decades ago, couldn’t resist a bit of aping and rolling their eyes. Meanwhile, Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen have closed a secret DSDS pact. Sources used: YouTube/Position PR,

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