Sheinbaum in Morelos: between student hugs and claims from ejidatarios (Video)

CUATLA, Mor. (apro) .- As she passed through Morelos, the candidate for Morena’s presidential candidacy, Claudia Sheinbaum, received hugs from students from different universities and complaints from ejidatarios who accused her of being a “friend of sugar bandits.”

The first stop of the former head of government of Mexico City in the “Tierra de Zapata” was at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), where she was received by members of the Student Federation with cheers of “Pre-si!” -denta!”.

After an hour late, as scheduled, Sheinbaum put aside the script of his speeches in other entities on the principles of the Fourth Transformation and focused on recounting his experience as a student activist at the College of Sciences and Humanities (CCH). South and the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM.

“They mobilize us with a central argument, which is valid to date, ‘Education is not a commodity, it is a constitutional right’”.

researcher license

In one part of her speech, Sheinbaum Pardo spoke about the fact that she was a teacher and is a researcher at the UNAM Institute of Engineering. Then, she revealed a fact that no one expected:

“I am a researcher with a license that I don’t know what condition it is in anymore, I have to find out.”

For the students and unionized academics in the auditorium the statement went unnoticed.

What lit the atmosphere a bit was when he told them that “I invite you to think about whether you want to go back to the past where the doors to higher education were closed… That can no longer go back even if young people stop participating, they have a very big responsibility with his country.”

And he asked them for something in particular: “Never forget who paid for your education; the people of Mexico… Be part of the transformation of Mexico!”

Among those attending the event, there were unionized professors and researchers from the UAEM, students of various degrees, but also students from High School 2 and the School of Laboratory Technicians; both with a high school level and with an age that is not yet enough to vote in the 2024 elections.

Nevertheless; These young people were the ones who participated the most when, before the arrival of the morenista, entertainers from the UAEM Student Federation gave them condoms sponsored by a commercial brand, as well as caps, t-shirts, concert tickets and even tablets if they answered correctly. their questions related to the organization or showed that they were promoting the event with Sheinbaum Pardo on their social networks.

Who was also present and promoting herself at the event was Margarita González Sarabia, director of the National Lottery who, during working hours, walked among students and academics waving and taking photos.

The same was done by Senator Lucía Meza and Juan Ángel Flores, municipal president of Jojutla; all three aspiring to succeed Cuauhtémoc Blanco in the government of Morelos.

sugar claim

In Cuautla, the informative assembly towards the election of the person who will coordinate the defense of the Fourth Transformation; In fact, the presidential candidate seemed to be one more uneventful between the historical review of the four transformations of the country and the principles of the so-called “Mexican Humanism.”

However, halfway through the speech, a man dressed in white and with a peasant hat slipped into the booth where Sheinbaum Pardo was speaking and showed him two cards:

One said: “Morelos. Ejidatarios affected by the passage of the Siglo XXI highway demand payment for their lands stolen by the federal government. Pure promises!”

The other also accused: “Claudia Sheinbaum friend of sugarcane bandits (sic) 1) Amado Orihuela 2) Aristeo Rodrigues 3) Humberto Jasso 4) Pedro Ocampo.”

The man circumvented the security of the act, went up on stage and knelt behind Sheinbaum. She calmly asked him twice to let her finish her speech and assured him that she would attend him to hear her demand. The man gave in a little, went back, to where the hosts of the act were and a woman tried to snatch one of the cards from him.

Sheinbaum said, without losing his cool, “leave it, leave it, we listen to everyone here.”

Below, people began to yell at him “get off, get off!”, but the farmer only made it to the shore and did not lower his cardboard.

There, a member of Sheinbaum’s team came to take her information, while the brunette finished saying that “it is time for women” and that women can be whatever they want, even “presidents of the Republic!”

After singing the national anthem, the presidential candidate was surrounded by people who hugged her and asked for photos and so she walked away, while the peasant continued kneeling with his posters up.

In the morning, in Jojutla, the presidential candidate had a couple of meetings with state businessmen, among whom was the former PRI federal deputy, Amado Orihuela, with whom the president took a picture with her arm raised.


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