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Shiloh Jolie announces in a tabloid that she will stop using Brad Pitt’s last name

They claim that daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt wants to live with her father

MIAMI.- Shiloh, fourth daughter of Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt, and the first biological, publicly announced her desire to stop using her father’s surname and legally retain only that of her madre. The publication was made in the periodical Los Angeles Times.

This was a legal announcement, an action that any person who requests a name change must comply with under California law, according to the 18-year-old’s lawyer, Peter Levine.

“I was simply following the legal process. (She) made an independent and significant decision after painful events and as Shiloh’s attorney, I am required to publish a legal notice because California law requires anyone who wants to change their name to do so. That legal notice was published in the Los Angeles Times, as required,” the attorney reported.

The purpose of this notice is that anyone who has an objection to this should come to court before the end of July. If no one shows up, the process continues.

Shiloh’s decision

The ex-couple’s daughter submitted the documents to carry out the legal name change on May 27, her 18th birthday.

The decision took some of the Oscar-winning actor’s fans by surprise, as months earlier a source had confirmed that the young woman planned to move in with her father when she came of age.

In Touch reports that Shiloh had no issues with her father and the plan was intended to continue fostering the good relationship they have. “(She) is not unhappy at Angelina’s house, but she will soon be 18 and wants to change things up. Plus, she adores Brad and has always been a daddy’s girl,” the post reads.

Shiloh’s action seems to show that she has a difficult relationship with her father, as she wants to be called Shiloh Nouvel Jolie.

In this way, Shiloh follows in the footsteps of Maddox, 22; Pax, 20; and Zahara, 19; who have openly opposed taking Brad’s surname and legally or symbolically only introduce themselves as Angelina and make no mention of their adoptive father.

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