After the carnival, the number of cases of illness exploded in the Rhineland, according to the Association of General Practitioners. Cold symptoms are the most common.

  • In the Rhineland, many people suffer from respiratory diseases after carnival.
  • According to the Association of General Practitioners in North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of sick days has increased rapidly.
  • These are both colds and cases of corona or flu.

After the carnival days the waiting rooms of many general practitioners in the Rhineland are full of patients who are under respiratory diseases Suffer. “The wave of illness is here,” said a spokeswoman for the North Rhine General Practitioners’ Association on Thursday in Cologne. “As expected, sick leave has exploded, sick leave has doubled in the last few days.” Most patients complained cold symptoms. These are both classic colds and flu or corona.

According to the association, the number of cases of illness will continue to increase in the next few days. The reason is that after the long carnival weekend, the germs are now also being spread in schools.

Full waiting rooms: Outbreak of infections only a few days after infection

For the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) North Rhine, it is still too early to provide reliable information, especially since infections usually only break out a few days after infection. The Cologne “Express” had previously reported.

The KV Westfalen-Lippe considers an increase in flu cases due to the carnival to be “not unlikely”, since there were many contacts in a small area. Anyone who is not yet ill and has to deal with many people professionally or privately should be vaccinated against flu, advises the KV. (dpa)

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