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Sick note: Without visiting a doctor – this is how you get a digital sick note

There is no longer a sick note by telephone. Is it still possible to get sick leave without visiting the doctor? Important tips.

Since March 31, 2023 you can no longer sick leave over the phone permit. Sick leave by telephone was introduced as a special rule during the corona pandemic by the joint federal committee of doctors, clinics and health insurance companies in order to minimize contacts. However, since the risk of infection has decreased according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rule has now been abolished. Do you now have a cold, sore throat and Co. for a Attest endure in full waiting rooms again? Not necessarily.

Calling in sick: These rules apply

If worker you are obliged to inform your employer if you are ill. Whether this is done directly through the boss, through the HR department or the secretariat depends on who respective operation and can be handled differently everywhere. You do not have to tell us what illness you have. It is important to state how long you are likely to be absent.

Whether you need a medical certificate on the first day of illness also depends on your employer. It can be from day one medical sick leave be required. The standard rule – which is set by law – says: From the fourth day of illness is a Doctor’s certificate necessary. You can stay at home for three days without reporting sick. Important: The calendar days are always taken into account and not the working days – i.e. weekends and public holidays also count.

Electronic certificate: How to avoid visiting the practice

If you have a headache, runny nose or nausea, it can often be tedious as well exhausting be going to the doctor. But there is a way to continue calling in sick from your bed: with the video consultation. The possibility also exists beyond the special rule, according to the chairman of the Federal Committee of Doctors, Josef Hecken, to the German Press Agency (dpa).

More and more practices are offering video consultations for many types of diseases – not only for mild respiratory infections. However, it is assumed that even without a physical examination for disabled can be explained.

Writing sick online: How long is it possible?

If you digital over video takes sick leave, the certificate is valid for a maximum of seven calendar days. If you are also sick and want to continue to be on sick leave via video, you must first personally in practice have been examined, writes the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) on its website. If you are unknown to the practice, you can only be on sick leave for two to three days. Video consultation hours are covered by health insurance.

However, there is a catch: Patients generally have no right to the video consultation. The doctor treating you must decide whether a Sick leave via video is possible. Even after the video call, you can still be asked to come to the practice if no incapacity for work could be determined online.

More about doctor visits:

Video consultation hour – this is how it works

For the video consultation you need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone – each with a camera, microphone and loudspeaker. You should also have a good internet connection for the digital conversation.

  1. You will receive this from the practice by arrangement an appointment for the video consultation. In addition, you should then receive access data for the online conversation, which you can use to dial in to the appointment.
  2. You will be asked about the practice or the video provider before the first video consultation Privacy Policy agree. Important: If you from dem video service If you are asked for your name, make sure you enter it correctly. This is the only way the doctor can assign you correctly.
  3. Then you can start: You choose yourself to the appointment via the link – or the access data – and end up in an online waiting room until the doctor joins in. Then it can Conversation to start.
  4. Once the video consultation is over, log out of the site. The doctor will document the treatment and if the incapacity for work has confirmed, take care of the certificate.
  5. Since the beginning of 2023, the confirmation of incapacity for work has been sent directly to the health insurance company Employer transmitted. Read more here: Certificate of Incapacity for Work: Radical Change 2023

Sick leave: In which cases do I have to go to the doctor’s office?

Basically one can digital treatment be more impersonal and direct contact with the doctor also has advantages. Some symptoms could be overlooked. It is not possible to take samples, measure the pulse and listen to the lungs online. On the other hand, the doctor can also assess problems such as skin rashes or coughing noises via video. Illnesses such as colds, gastrointestinal complaints or migraines can usually be clarified via the digital consultation hours.

What about medication? The doctor is also allowed to use video recipes exhibit. Often he will then give you the prescription for medication per Post mail if you cannot pick it up at the practice. With some video services, there is now also the option of receiving the prescription digitally as an e-prescription.


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