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Silence about Kate Middleton: These were the most important statements from the British Royal Family

Silence about Kate Middleton: These were the most important statements from the British Royal Family

The British Royal Family continues to attract global attention and every news story from Buckingham Palace takes top spot on news programs around the world. To the recent news that Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, had undergone planned abdominal surgery A period of absence from public life followed. Apart from some spontaneous appearances, Kate has not been seen in public since December 2023.

It was later discovered that the photograph Kensington shared on the occasion of Mother’s Day had been photoshopped. That controversy only served to increase interest around his state of health and strengthen calls for a formal statement from Kensington Palace.

King Charles Hospital Treatment – January 29, 2024

The most recent formal communication from British Royalty occurred in January. A statement titled A statement from Buckingham Palace in which they announced that King Charles had been discharged from hospital after scheduled medical treatment. The monarch thanked the medical team and supporters for their support.

However, this statement omitted that the king had been hospitalized after being told he had cancer. Buckingham has remained silent about his exact state of health, but maintains that he can continue his royal duties in private.

Holocaust Memorial Day – January 26

As part of his royal duties, the king often issues messages in response to global events and recognition days. Shortly before news of his hospitalization emerged, the Palace released a statementA message from the King on Holocaust Memorial Day 2024.

Holocaust Memorial Day offers a valuable opportunity for this nation’s richly diverse communities to come together. unite and recommit to building a society free of anti-Semitism, persecution and hatreddeca.

King’s Poetry Prize – January 25

Each year, the monarch awards the Gold Medal for Poetry to a recipient from the United Kingdom or a Commonwealth Realm. The custom began with King George V in 1933 and The latest winner, approved by King Charles, is Mimi Khalvati .

A statement titled King’s Gold Medal for Poetry 2023 It read: The Poetry Medal Committee, chaired by Poet Laureate Simon Armitage, recommended Mimi Khalvati as a recipient of the Medal for 2023 due to her exceptional talent and their ability to draw on diverse cultural traditions Iranian, English and American to enrich British poetry.

Princess of Wales admitted to hospital – January 17

The first royal declaration of 2024 brought the news that Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, had been admitted to hospital for planned abdominal surgery. She had not been seen in public since December and even now, Two months after that statement, he has not attended any public event .

At the time ‘ a statement from Kensington Palace ‘ confirmed: The surgery was a success and he is expected to remain in the hospital for between ten and fourteen days, before returning home to continue his recovery. Based on current medical advice, he is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter.

There has been no official confirmation of any further comment from the Palace, although rumors of an upcoming statement have gained momentum as interest in Kate Middleton’s condition has increased.

The Royal Family as an entity is famous for its discretion and rarely chooses to share details of its private life, except in the rarest of cases. That secret has become his mode of operationBut in the modern world, as people demand greater accountability from leaders, Transparency is required on key issues such as health to prevent the institution of the monarchy from losing legitimacy. It is for all this that the BBC points out the improbability that everything that happened around Kate Middleton changes Buckingham’s usual ways.

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