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Simple and easy recipe for the crunchy and delicious homemade churros

If there is a food that Argentines choose to enjoy an afternoon at the beach with some mate or taste it in a bar with a chocolate milk, it is the Churros. Not only are they delicious, but they are very easy to prepare.


The Churros well made they are really a delicacy and if you don’t have a place close to home, we give you a very easy recipe. You don’t need many ingredients, if you have a great churrera, but if not, you can use a star-shaped nozzle.

Try this recipe and then tell us how it goes.


250 grams of wheat flour or the one you choose

250cc of water

1 teaspoon salt


Olive oil

absorbent kitchen paper

The preparation is very easy and fast.


First of all, place the flour in a bowl and on the other hand, heat water with salt in a pot. With a wooden spoon you are going to integrate them, even if there is a sticky dough left, you are going to put it in a churrera or pastry bag. This will make the fritter come out well and the air is removed from the dough. Little by little you are assembling the portions and when they cool down a bit, you put them in a pan with oil. One recommendation is that you use a medium heat so they don’t burn. Once they are ready, you can add sugar, chocolate or honey.

Enjoy the churros with chocolate and you will be surprised.

The origin of the Churros it is really unknown. Some theories say that they arrived in Europe from China, in other countries the original dough was modified by another design that requires the use of the sleeve or churrera. Without a doubt, it is one of the most requested recipes in recent years, not only in winter, but also in the middle of summer and in different parts of the world.

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