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Sister war with the Geissens: Davina Geiss wants Shania to move out of the flat share

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From: Florian Schwartz


This is certainly not how the millionaire’s daughters imagined their dream of having their own flat share. When arguing about housework, Davina and Shania Geiss get really angry.

Monaco – A life of luxury! Robert (59) and Carmen Geiss (57) and their two children Davina (19) and Shania (18) can sing a song about it. In the RTLZWEI show “The Geissens – A Terribly Glamorous Family”, the millionaires give an insight into their jet set life, but also what it looks like behind the luxurious backdrop. And the air is thick here right now. Because the dream of their own flat share in Monaco seems to be an ordeal for the siblings Davina and Shania. On Monday’s (April 3) episode, the argument about chores escalates so much that Davina tells her younger sister to move out.

Davina and Shania Geiss: WG Zoff doing housework

The adult sisters already seem to have different opinions when it comes to chores in the shared flat. “I take care of the house. I’m often the one who has to clean everything,” complains Davina Geiss in front of the camera. Even when the dog they share does its business, the 19-year-old has to get on with it. “If Maddox suddenly pees somewhere, then I have to clean it, then Shania calls me too,” Davina continues.

According to Davina, Shania would only occasionally help around the house, such as with the dishwasher and bathroom, and would at best only take care of her own room. But Shania seems to see it differently. “So I clean. With Davina. So we do it together. We do everything together,” counters the 18-year-old.

Davina Geiss explodes: “Then move out, Shania!”

Finally, the sisters’ war over the housework escalates when Shania gets upset about the clothes horse that is visible in the room. Davina reacts unnerved. “Then move out, Shania! you have your own money You said you’d be gone the day you turned 18. But that was three months ago,” demands the 19-year-old seriously. After a moment of icy silence, Davina continues: “Living together isn’t that great right now. Sometimes yes, sometimes not.”

Zoff with the Geissens siblings: Davina and Shania’s flat share could soon be history © Screenshot/RTLZWEI/Die Geissens

But the tense relationship was still felt in the further course of the episode. During the dirndl fitting for an Oktoberfest party, the two exchanged blows again. “It’s so abnormal the way you’re feeling today,” Davina comments on her sister’s behavior. The 18-year-old countered irritably: “Don’t get nervous!” Here and there the quarrels between the two even end with fisticuffs: Because Davina and Shania started hitting each other, even Mama Carmen Geiss had to intervene. Sources used:The Geissens – A terribly glamorous family” (RTLZWEI)

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