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Ski tour and Co: Drink as much during winter sports as in summer

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn)
Even those who are active in cold temperatures should not ignore their thirst. The drinks can be warm if you like.

Whether you’re hiking in the winter or on a ski tour: Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean your body needs less fluid – quite the opposite. It should be at least the same amount as in summer, reports the magazine “Outdoor” (Issue 1/2023).

The colder, the drier the air and the more liquid you breathe out. One piece of advice is: Wear a highly air-permeable tube in front of your mouth. That reduces the losses. It also protects the bronchi, the report said.

It’s a good idea to have warm tea or a warm electrolyte drink in a thermos with you. You want that more in winter than cold water.

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