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So much sunshine canceled this evening, find out how to catch up with the episode!

un si grand soleil deprogramme ce jeudi 5 octobre decouvrez comment rattraper l episode de ce soir.j.jpeg

This Thursday, October 5, fans ofSuch a big sun will be deprived of their daily soap opera. Due to the news in Nagorno-Karabakh, the France 2 channel is changing its schedule.

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The life of fansSuch a big sun is definitely very eventful. Already canceled on Monday September 11, Thursday September 21 and Thursday September 28, the daily soap opera is once again on the sidelines this Thursday October 5. This unforeseen absence is due to a last minute modification of the France 2 schedule.

Such a big sun : why will you not see a new episode this Thursday, October 5?

There will therefore be no new episode ofSuch a big sun this Thursday, October 5 at 8:50 p.m. The tragic news in Nagorno-Karabakh has indeed pushed France 2 to modify its initial plans. Thus the 8 p.m. news presented by Anne-Sophie Lapix will offer a special page on this conflict, a file which will naturally extend the duration of the news. As a result, France 2 will no longer be able to offer Un si grand soleil during its usual schedule. These repeated deprogrammings can be explained by its broadcast schedule: programmed between the television news and the prime, the soap opera is at a strategic crossroads in the schedule, directly prey to the upheavals linked to current events, whether political ( as in October 2020 with the special program with the president Emmanuel Macron), sporting (as at the moment with the Rugby World Cup) or geopolitical (as this Thursday, October 5)

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Such a big sun : how to catch up with the canceled episode?

This deprogramming is unfortunately not a first for the series, fans ofSuch a big sun already know the parades like the back of their hand! So, right now they can watch on the platform the episode initially scheduled for this Thursday, October 5! And for all those who swear by good old linear broadcasting: patience is the mother of all virtues, as the proverb says so well. We will therefore have to arm ourselves with a little bit of stoicism and wait for our television programming the next day, this Friday October 6, at the usual time: 8:50 p.m. How many new deprogrammingsSuch a big sun should we expect in the coming months? Suspense…

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