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Sofa Mazagatos, mother for the second time at 49 years old

Sofa Mazagatos, mother for the second time at 49 years old

Sofa Mazagatos has repeated motherhood at 49 years old. The former model, partner of Tito Pajares San Román, has given birth to her second daughter together with the businessman, with whom she already has an 8-year-old girl named Sofa.

The chosen name by the former mannequin and businesswoman from Madrid, who was admitted to the hospital on Friday to give birth to her little girl, It is Amanda, which means one who knows how to love or one who is well loved..

According to the magazine Hola, both are very well. In short, great news and the best gift with which to welcome the Christmas holidays, which will surely be more special than ever this year.

Hard blow in 2018

Amanda comes into Sofa Mazagatos’ life after the hard blow suffered in 2018, when she lost the baby she was expecting during the eighth month of pregnancy. A tragic event that had caused him enormous sadness.

Possibly that is why Madrid had not announced its state of good hope until She was photographed in the first weeks of pregnancy leaving the clinic where she had gone for a medical check-up.dressed in large sunglasses and a very summery dress, with her characteristic blonde hair tied up in a bun.

We are very happy with the news. It’s been a long, hard road to get here.the former model told the magazine at the time Hola. He is a very loved and desired baby for years.which is growing inside me, we look forward to it with great hope and love before Christmas.

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