Sofa Vergara obtains a restraining order against a stalker

MIAMI.- The actress colombian Sofa Vergara obtained a restraining order against a man who she claims has been harassing her and her son, Manolo Gonzalez-Ripoll Vergara. According to information released by TMZthe individual is on parole, after he was arrested in 2022 for the same crime.

The entertainment portal also obtained the legal documents that confirm the identity of the harasser: it is Gregory Brown.

The report explains that Brown is mentally unstable and describes that: “he has a delusional belief that he knows her personally and that he has a relationship with her and her family,” including his 32-year-old only son.

The actress of Modern Family She stated that the man maintains aggressive and harassing behavior, which is why she has felt insecure, in addition to generating anxiety and emotional distress. Additionally, she insists that Brown has tried to get closer to her and her family on multiple occasions.

In July of this year, he managed to enter the gated community where he lives. The subject was able to access it by hiking through the hills surrounding the residential complex.

Earlier this year, Brown was arrested for trespassing and vandalism at the actress’s property. However, the fact was not enough and he continues behind Vergara.

He has also managed to communicate with the model through email. Brown sent her a letter warning her that he would soon visit her to see her. In the letter he referred to Sofa as “my love”, and signed with the pseudonym Gangsta.

“Sofa says Brown has a criminal record that includes arrests for various violent crimes, which makes her more fearful for her safety, and now the judge has signed a temporary restraining order requiring Brown to stay at least 100 meters away from her and of his son. He is also prohibited from contacting them,” TMZ concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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