In addition to large solar systems, small balcony power plants are also subsidized by the state. Funding of up to 800 euros is possible.

The energy and price crisis was and is still an important topic for many consumers in Germany. In 2022, some energy prices had exploded. Heating oil prices, for example, cracked the two euro per liter mark in March. Currently the energy market calmed down a bit. Heating oil prices have been flying low since the beginning of January and gas prices have also leveled off at the previous year’s level. Nevertheless, the energy crisis has fueled a rethink in many people.

Balcony power plant instead of a large solar system: reduce electricity costs – the idea behind it

Away from the classic fuels such as heating oil and gas and instead rely on renewable energies and heating systems. The term “self-sufficient” is also used more often in this debate. The idea behind it: make yourself completely or at least a little autonomous from the general energy supply. Produce the required energy in the house yourself. One of the most well-known solutions is here solar system. But despite government incentives, the whole thing is an expensive investment – depending on the size, between 9,000 and 19,000 euros can be due.

In addition, a large solar system is not an option for everyone. Tenants, for example, cannot simply put a photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof. But for them or consumers with less money, a small one can balcony power plant to be interesting. These are individual solar modules – they can be bought comparatively cheaply on the Internet or hardware store and installed by yourself. The balcony or a garden is suitable for this. Videos on YouTube even report window-mounted variants.

Reduce electricity costs with a balcony power plant: How much money you can save every year

Such a balcony power plant – as it is colloquially called – with a maximum permitted output of 600 watts can be had for around 1,000 euros – including the frame, reports the consumer portal “” in a service post. Depending on the weather conditions and alignment, these may change solar panels Calculate quickly on the balcony railing. Because electricity prices are currently increasing in Germany. On January 19, a kilowatt hour of electricity costs 48.78 cents at the basic rate.

In addition, one of the largest wants energy supplier in Germany on March 1st – all the more interesting are and will be solutions like a balcony power plant. According to reports from “”, consumers can already reduce their electricity costs by 100 to 200 euros per year with a small solar system. In addition, balcony power plants are even subsidized by many municipalities. The amount of this subsidy varies from municipality to municipality.

Subsidy for balcony power plant: Think about a subsidy – these cities pay the most

In contrast to the subsidy for a heat pump, there is no federal subsidy for balcony power plants. For this reason, the grants sometimes differ greatly from one another. Some cities pay more and others have no funding at all. Nevertheless, research is always worthwhile – after all, some cities pay out up to 800 euros in funding. The consumer portal “” has arranged the funding programs by federal state and, in a second step, by city – this is where the most money is:

Status/State financial support


up to 750 euros


up to 800 euros


300 to 400 euros

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

up to 500 euros


up to 500 euros

In some cities, a flat-rate subsidy is paid for balcony power plants. Still other municipalities pay per solar module or assume a percentage of the costs incurred. In some cities there is even a higher subsidy for certain people. In Heidelberg, for example, the 750-eurofinancial support the basic sum. Holders of a “Heidelberger Pass” receive information from the “City of Heidelberg” almost all of the costs for the solar system are reimbursed and you only pay a personal contribution of 50 euros.

Subsidy for balcony power plant: This city pays up to 800 euros for the solar system

Likewise in Ludwigsburg: There is a subsidy of up to 300 euros for a balcony power plant. For holders of the “LudwigsburgCard”, the subsidy increases to up to 800 euros per PV system. More information on this is available on the Website of the city of Ludwigsburg under the heading “Climate Bonus”. So far there has not been any funding at the federal level, but consumers can benefit from the fact that the solar systems are no longer subject to VAT. The owners of a balcony power plant can also expect more money and less bureaucracy in 2023.

Large solar systems on roofs and small balcony power plants could become even more attractive for many consumers thanks to the innovations in 2023. But just like for large PV systems, there are also requirements for balcony power plants. The maximum feed-in to the power grid is up 600 watts limited. The number of panels is not crucial – it really is all about the amount of electricity generated. Theoretically, several balcony power plants per household are allowed – but the 600 watts must be adhered to.

Buying a balcony power plant: Costs and requirements – what consumers need to consider

In addition, small balcony power plants must also be registered. This can be done online in many cities and is free of charge. In theory, illegal balcony power plants can be punished with a fine. Also should yourself consumer always inform about possible municipal requirements. As with funding, there may be differences. In principle, however, the operation of a balcony power plant is uncomplicated. Especially since the acquisition costs for the PV system amortize over the years.

Especially since many cities even subsidize the balcony power plants. Here is a sample calculation: On “Amazon”, a balcony power plant currently costs around 750 euros. If you live in Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg) there is a flat rate from the city financial support from 200 euros. If the retailer passes on the missing VAT, the 750 euros are the net amount. If you subtract the 200 euros subsidy, you get 550 euros. Depending on the electricity tariff and the further development of electricity prices, the costs will be amortized within the next two to four years.

Conclusion on the balcony power plant: For whom a solar system in mini format pays off

The conclusion: The purchase of a balcony power plant can always pay off for consumers. Under increase one financial support the costs are amortized even faster. Several cities even subsidize such small solar systems heavily. If you only have to pay 50 euros yourself in the end, you have already won in the first year of use. Funding programs can also be combined. The subsidy for a balcony power plant can be applied for independently of the state subsidy for a new heating system.

In the end, you can kill two birds with one stone even with a small solar system. On the one hand, balcony power plants reduce general electricity consumption. On the other hand benefit consumer attractive subsidies in many cities. The small PV system can be self-assembled from the brand or bought as a ready-made set locally or ordered on the Internet – so it is quite uncomplicated. Last but not least, you are also doing something good for the environment. Of course, that also speaks for the investment.

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