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“Speechless”: Prince Harry finds Queen’s answer whether he can marry Meghan tormenting to this day

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From: Annemarie Goebel


Prince Harry has had his doubts since he asked the Queen for permission to marry Meghan, as was formally required. Because he really messed up the conversation, there was no joy. The Queen’s answer still concerns him to this day.

London – While mere mortals ask the bride’s father for her daughter’s hand, royals must hope for the goodwill of the British leader. Prince Harry (38) was upset about it. He found it pointless to ask Queen Elizabeth II (96, † 2022) if he could marry Meghan Markle (41), after all he was a grown man. He expresses his feelings at the time in his memoirs “Spare”. Still, he writes, he was nervous. What would a “no” from the head of the family do to cause chaos in his relationship with Meghan?

Instead of asking openly, Prince Harry hid his question behind the protocol

When he finally found a good time to speak to his grandmother on a family hunting trip in Sandringham, he spoke with dissatisfaction. But he hadn’t expected the Queen’s tit-for-tat response – her answer still worries him to this day. He recalls his exact words to convey to the egent how much he loves Meghan and that he wants to marry her. He says he then asked, “I was told I had to ask permission before I could apply.”

In his memoirs, Prince Harry reports on the unfortunate moment when he asked his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II for permission to propose to Meghan (photomontage). © John Stillwell/dpa & Andy Rain/dpa

The Queen’s brief reply was in a very similar tone, leaving Harry speechless. The queen then replied: “Do you have to?” whereupon Harry confirmed that he had been told that. Elizabeth II, known for her humor honed over decades of small talk and her quick wit, replied after a moment’s silence, “Well, I guess I have to say yes then.”

Prince Harry describes his relationship with Queen Elizabeth II.

What is it like to meet a formidable figure like Queen Elizabeth II in the aisle of Buckingham Palace? Beyond the crown, is she a loving grandmother who plays with grandchildren and great-grandchildren and occasionally slips them sweets? In the documentary “Queen of the World” Prince Harry revealed what it was like for him as a grandson to meet the regent in palace corridors. His reaction may surprise many. With mischievous eyes, King Charles’ son, 74, recounts the feeling of “panic” he felt upon meeting his grandmother in the corridors of Buckingham Palace.

In his biography, Harry takes up the subject and writes about his respect for the Queen: “Did she notice that I was afraid? Afraid of my request, as well as of her majesty? Did she even realize that no matter how much I loved her, I was always nervous around her?”

Was Harry so unimportant that he didn’t have to formally ask the Queen for permission?

Harry admits that he was completely surprised by this answer. He writes: “I didn’t get it. Was she sarcastic? Ironic? Intentionally cryptic? Had she indulged in a little play on words? I’d never seen Granny play on words before, and it would be an extremely bizarre moment (not to say very awkward) for her to start, but perhaps she just saw an opportunity to make amends with my unfortunate use of the word ‘have’ ‘ to play and couldn’t resist”.

Real happiness looks different. He stood there and tried to understand what she meant, but then “understood” that she had also said “yes”. Harry feels like a puppet as he thanks him and says “fabulous”. But the nagging possibility that the Queen could have found him so unimportant as the eternal second behind Prince William (40) that in her eyes he should not have complied with the formal question of permission for the wedding weighs on him. Elsewhere in “Spare,” Harry actually describes himself purely as a spares store and donor in case anything were to happen to William. He can no longer ask his grandmother. Sources used:

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