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Stefan Mross and new girlfriend Eva: First interview as lovers on TV

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From: Carina Blumenroth


Sun, hits, celebrating fans – and in the middle of it all Stefan Mross and girlfriend Eva Luginger. The new dream couple gives their first joint interview in Mexico.

Cancún – Hundreds of fans, many hit stars, a charity campaign and right in the middle Stephen Mross (47) with his new girlfriend Eva Luginger (35). On the fringes of the “Fly & Help Gala” both stand together for the first time in front of the RTL camera. It didn’t get really personal – but the couple exchanged amorous looks.

“Night of the German Schlager 2023”: Stefan Mross is there

The “Fly & Help” foundation organized a fundraising trip with around 800 fans – the highlight, the “Night of the German Schlager”, with Anna-Maria Zimmermann, Mickie Krause and Stefan Mross among others. During rehearsals for the performance, Eva Luginger filmed her boyfriend and captured the best moments. “It’s just one big family. We’re all here for a good cause.” Luginger in an interview with RTL.

There are also smaller breaks: In a video clip you can see how Mross and Luginger look into the distance on a boat. When you look at it, the headlines from the past few months are sure to be forgotten. As a reminder: In the fall, the marriage between Anna Carina Woitschack (30) and Stefan Mross, then the realization: Mross is with his ex’s former girlfriend.

Experience 14 top hit stars in the “Wetten, dass..?” arena on Mallorca

Advertising: Enjoy two evenings in the well-known “Wetten, dass..?” arena on Mallorca, 14 hit stars, which otherwise never appear on Mallorca. You can combine all of this with a holiday with sun, beach and sea and two event evenings on May 10th and 11th, 2023. Here’s all the information.

There are: voXXclub, Ross Antony, Francine Jordi, Semino Rossi, Christin Stark, Matthias Reim, Howard Carpendale, Julia Lindholm, Mike Leon Grosch, Melissa Naschenweng, Ben Zucker, Giovanni Zarrella, Beatrice Egli, Nik P. & Band

Relaxation before the start of the season: “Always Sundays” starts on May 7th

Even if the season starts again soon, hit star Stefan Mross and Eva Luginger still treat themselves to a few days in Mexico. But then it will soon be back to Germany, the obligations are waiting. On May 7th, the program “Always Sundays” will start again at Europa-Park, which Mross will moderate.

Stefan Mross shows up with his new girlfriend Eva Luginger. © Picture agencies Monn/Imago, Eva_Luginger/Instagram (photomontage)

What is striking is that Luginger does not let himself be disturbed. RTL reporters asked her about the headlines, Mross cleverly drew attention to his job and Luginger? She shows that she has been following Mross for a long time: “I think it’s great what Stefan has been doing for many years.” Both smile.

Not only pop star Stefan Mross has a new girlfriend at his side. Ex-wife Anna-Carina Woitschack also has a new partner. Sources used:

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