After continuing with the relocation of vendors from the informal sector, who for years established themselves in the center of San Salvador, the capital’s mayor’s office reported that the streets and avenues to the east of the Historic Center will remain closed until further notice, so it is recommended to find ways alternate.

«The streets and avenues of the eastern Historic Center that have been cleared of sales during this weekend, in which the voluntary mobilization of vendors took place, They will remain restricted until further notice.. It is recommended to seek alternate routes,” the municipality said.

The residents of the capital have congratulated the negotiation process between local authorities and vendors, something that was thought unlikely, after the efforts made by different administrations to bring order to the streets of downtown San Salvador, and which did not yield positive results.

“The Historic Center Revitalization Plan is advancing successfully, thanks to the efforts of the Municipal Government of Mayor Mario Durán, as well as the will of merchants who have joined this effort,” added the commune.

The intervened streets look wide, now that the merchants have relocated. “It is notorious that the majority of self-employed businesses have already withdrawn from the area, within the framework of goodwill, pacifism and consensus,” added the mayor’s Twitter account.

The commune has made significant progress in the recovery of the capital through reordering, granting the residents of the capital clear streets and sidewalks. So far, more than 4,000 merchants have mobilized, and 68 blocks have been freed in the surroundings of the Former National Library, Delgado Street and other surrounding streets.. According to Mayor Mario Durán, 80 percent of the historic center has already been recovered for passers-by.

After the process of voluntary mobilization of the merchants “a total of 83 buildings of historical value will see the light of the sun, after remaining for decades between sheets, shadows and disorder,” he added.

The voluntary mobilization of merchants towards the municipal market system grants benefits for the development of their work, which, from this point on, will be carried out within the framework of formality, security and tranquility.

The dialogue and consensus between the mayor’s office of San Salvador and the self-employed merchants located on the property of the former National Library and its surroundings, has given way to the commitment to free the streets and sidewalks.


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