François Braun believes the initiative comes at a critical time for the French healthcare system, with overstretched hospitals and emergency services.

While a strike by liberal doctors began on Monday, relayed by the Doctors for Tomorrow movement, the Ministry of Health expressed to BFMTV its disapproval of the movement.

“The minister strongly condemns the call for a strike launched by certain liberal doctors during this end-of-year holiday period,” said François Braun’s entourage.

A tense context

An annoyance justified by the current context. Although it has not been relayed by the main trade union organizations, the movement can only come to increase the pressure on the hospital and emergency services, already overloaded.

The hospital is currently dealing with three epidemics, flu, Covid-19 and bronchiolitis, and its staff are exhausted after three years of the pandemic.

“While our health system is facing an exceptional situation, particularly given the triple epidemic which is continuing throughout France, this is putting increased pressure on hospitals and emergency services which are already in a critical situation”, emphasizes the ministry to BFMTV.

“It is not acceptable that the access to health of the French is thus undermined”, continues the press release.

In addition to the emergency services, the strike movement increases the pressure on SOS Médecins, a service which offers emergency medicine at home. On Monday, Doctor Urfan Ashraf, vice-president of SOS Médecins, indicated that the service was overwhelmed, with sometimes up to fifty calls waiting.

Doubling the consultation fee

Among the demands of the Doctors for Tomorrow collective: the doubling of the price of the consultation, which they want to see go from 25 to 50 euros. A tariff increase which, according to the striking doctors, would make consultations more fluid by employing a secretary.

The strike movement, which is called to last until January 2, also results from a concern about the freedom of installation of liberal doctors. Some health professionals are worried that the latter will be called into question by the government, which wishes to fight against medical deserts.

The Ministry of Health has not completely closed the door to these demands, but criticizes the way in which they are expressed, namely by a strike movement. “If the minister recognizes the difficulties and sometimes the exhaustion of certain liberal doctors, it is within the framework of the negotiations that it is advisable to discuss it”, supports the ministry.

Then to continue: “These negotiations are undertaken according to a balanced approach of rights and duties which alone will make it possible to provide answers to the health needs of the French”.

Leopold Audebert, with Jules Fresard


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