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“Strong chest tightness”: Jean-Pierre Foucault recounts having suffered a double cardiac arrest

The 75-year-old TV host says he suffered two heart attacks in quick succession a month ago.

A great fright. Television presenter Jean-Pierre Foucault, aged 75, tells Doctissimo having experienced a double cardiac arrest about a month ago, in an article published on Tuesday. A trying moment, but which he chose to share in order to raise awareness on this subject as many people as possible.

“I lay down on the ground”

The former presenter of the flagship show of the 2000s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? had just arrived in his hometown of Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, when he suddenly felt pain as he got off the plane.

“I felt strong chest tightness. I asked my wife for some water, but the pain didn’t go away,” he recalls.

Despite the worry, the TV man decides to go home with his wife, as their home is not far from the airport by car. But on the spot, he quickly realizes that the situation is serious.

“I couldn’t climb the few steps that separated me from the front door. I lay down on the ground,” he recalls.

His wife therefore decides to call the emergency services who recommend that the former radio host remain motionless, before arriving quickly on the spot.

An operation and three weeks of rest

Direction then the hospital for Jean-Pierre Foucault. On the operating table, the surgeons unblock an artery for him, before transferring him to intensive care. The star of the small screen then remains hospitalized for a few days, before going to rehabilitation. The animator spends three weeks there between walking, sport and rest.

A month later, he says he is fully recovered. The former presenter was however the victim of one, or rather two, serious alerts.

“The care team revealed to me afterwards that I had suffered two small cardiac arrests: the first in my garden, the other in the emergency room,” he confides.

Worried as soon as he got on the plane

Today largely retired from the small screen, Jean-Pierre Foucault claims to have, from the first symptoms, considered that he could be the victim of cardiac arrest. In addition to the pain, he had also noticed another unusual element: impossible to put on his shoes before taking the plane.

“My feet were swollen,” he recalls.

The one who has presented successful shows for many years has now chosen to reserve only for a few appointments, including the election of Miss France. He assures her today: “I am resting.”

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