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Subsidy: buy a heat pump now or wait and see? Expert gives tips

A heat pump is subsidized by the state with a subsidy. There will be good funding in 2023 – should you buy a device now?

The fuels heating oil and gas were and are still an important topic for many consumers in 2022. The war in Ukraine and the resulting gas conflict with Russia have caused energy prices to skyrocket. This is currently also reflected in the electricity prices. Just a few days ago, one of the largest resigned energy companies one in Germany. Gas and heating oil customers had already felt such extremes in 2022.

Buy a heat pump now? This state subsidy makes heating attractive

In March 2022, a liter of heating oil in Germany cost almost two euros. In the meantime, the situation on the energy market has calmed down a bit. Since January there has been a downward trend in heating oil prices and gas price has stabilized. Nevertheless, the energy crisis has prompted many gas and heating oil customers to rethink. Away from oil heating and invest in new heating technology instead? There have been attractive subsidies and grants for a new heating system since 2023.

The government subsidy for a heat pump can up to 40 percent be. However, there are a few things to consider when looking at the electricity and acquisition costs of a heat pump. On the one hand, the heat pump should be used in combination with large radiators, especially in old buildings, and attention should also be paid to the flow temperature. On the other hand, the costs for a new heat pump should not be underestimated, despite government subsidies. A cost overview:

heating Costs in EUR

oil heating

from about 8,000

gas heating

from about 7,000

heat pump

from about 15,000

Wood or pellet heating

from about 10,000

district heating

from about 5,000

Advantages of a heat pump: still buy it in 2023? These points speak for it

Nevertheless, looking at the good promotions for a heat pump the question: Should interested consumers strike now or wait and watch the development on the market? The specialist portal has dealt with this question “house controllers” deals. In addition to good state subsidies, the recent rapid rise in gas and heating oil prices also speak in favor of a rapid investment in a new heat pump. Because the fact is: With a heat pump you are largely independent of the development of fuel prices.

Buy a heat pump now? What speaks for a purchase:

  • Independent of fluctuating gas and heating oil prices
  • Good subsidies of up to 40 percent from the state
  • Sustainable and climate-friendly when operated with green electricity
  • Well compatible with solar power generation systems
  • Can also be used as a hybrid heating system with fuel oil and pellets

In addition, heat pumps are regarded as future-proof investments. They are more sustainable than gas or oil heating and can replace existing fuel heating in almost all buildings. “The statement – ​​one heat pump only worthwhile in new buildings – it’s nonsense,” explained Sven Kersten from the Federal Heat Pump Association (BWP) in an interview with this editor in December 2022. From his point of view, heat pumps can also be a sensible alternative in old buildings.

designation of the grant Percent grant

Basic subsidy (“basic subsidy”)


Heating exchange bonus


Heat pump bonus


Sum of all government grants


Do not buy a heat pump in haste: waiting can be worthwhile for four reasons

Hybrid heaters are also conceivable. Oil heating can be used together with a heat pump. There are many factors in favor of a quick purchase decision. But, as always, there is counterpoints. On the one hand, there are the already mentioned high installation and acquisition costs. In addition, heat pumps are currently in high demand. Therefore, there are sometimes long delivery and waiting times. In addition, there is a lack of specialized craftsmen in Germany.

Waiting with a heat pump: These arguments speak for it:

  • Sometimes long delivery and waiting times for a heat pump
  • Installation and acquisition costs of up to 15,000 euros
  • A lack of craftsmen and experts for heat pumps
  • The next generation WP could be even better

According to reports from “HouseControllers”, the future generation of the heat pumps become even more efficient and quieter. The specialist portal assumes “major leaps in development”. In addition, the costs for a heat pump could decrease. The reason: the increasing demand boosts the production of the devices – and with more choice, the prices usually drop. The lack of craftsmen also speaks for a later purchase date. In no case should you turn to inexperienced craftsmen.

Purchasing a heat pump: Expert gives important information – you should pay attention to this

Kersten from the BWP recommends: “You should always pay attention to good references and experience – and if in doubt, wait a little longer.” Trust in inexperienced craftsmen could take revenge afterwards. And especially with an investment as expensive as one heat pump damage after installation is more than annoying. “Ideally, you choose a specialist company with several years of professional experience,” says Kersten. The BWP also offers a Specialist partner search via the BWP homepage on.

The conclusion at the time of purchasing a heat pump: There is no clear yes or no. There are good reasons for a purchase in 2023 – such as the grant from the State. On the other hand, there is a lot of money at stake. Factors such as the lack of craftsmen and a development boom are also not negligible. In the end it is an individual decision. If the money is available and the structural requirements are met, the investment can be worth considering. Specialist companies and energy consultants can help with the decision.

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