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Succulents: secrets to care for Dudleya farinosa, the most versatile succulent

For home decoration, one of the most elegant details is to add some succulentswhich are the favorite plants of influencers, interior designers and also amateur gardening lovers.

Between the succulents, there is a variety that is highly valued by experts because it is very easy to care for and, in addition, for its particular light gray almost whitish color that makes it very original. This is Dudleya, the most versatile crass.

It can have showy colors on the base leaves.

To have a copy of this succulent In our house it will be necessary to know that you must have some basic details for its best growth. As for the light, This requires a lot of sun exposure, but not directly.

In summer, the fleshy plant It can be outdoors, although in the cold season it is recommended that it occupy a preferential place in one of the interior environments, near a window, through which it receives its share of sunlight.

It grows wild in the mountains.

As for the substrate you need, If the Dudleya farinosa is in a pot, it must have soil but mixed with peat with perlite or directly install the one that is specific for cacti and succulents. The container should have good drainage.

When it comes to irrigation, the ideal way to measure it correctly is when the soil is dry. You can insert a wooden stick and see how it comes out. These succulents do not require as much watering.

It is very common in areas with arid climates.

from north to south

This succulent it is native to coastal Oregon and northern California, where it grows on bluffs and coastal slopes. It grows from a stem that forms a rosette with its broad, pointed, shovel-shaped leaves.

It must have a special substrate.

The color is pale green and they can become completely white. They are often brightly colored and have a branching inflorescence with many small, bright yellow flowers.

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