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Succulents: tips to know when to change their pot and location

Much is said about how easy it is to care for succulents. However, it must be taken into account that one of the issues that most helps its conservation is that each of the changes in its leaves and in its color be carefully observed.

For the succulents There are certain secrets to consider. According to the experts in crass, it is essential that they are in the right place, with a suitable pot and the recommended substrate for them.

They can be placed in pots with stones and little soil.

The sense of observation is key in the good development of the succulents given that a change in color or unhealthy stems may indicate that the pot should be modified, change its location or remove the substrate and make it more porous.

As regards the pot of these succulent plants It is one of the elementary issues for its correct development and growth. This happens because the succulents They tend to generate many roots and that is why they need a pot that allows them to develop comfortably.

Light is also an elemental theme for succulents.

Nevertheless, If you notice that they don’t look as spectacular as always —even though everything seems to be in order— it is possible that the problem is that it requires a new pot.. To do this, it will only be enough to look under the pot, right in the drainage hole.

The pot should be replaced by another if the roots of our plant appear or protrude through this hole in the pot. In this case, it will be essential to transfer it to a larger container so that the roots can be properly hydrated and obtain the necessary nutrients.

If they lose their color, the roots will have to be observed.

The substrate is basic

Beyond this advice, it will also be necessary to take into account what to do in the event that our succulent show a hue that turns yellow. In that case, a new location with more shade will have to be tried.

As it grows, it will require a larger pot.

On the other hand, it will be essential to use a substrate according to these plants. Since they store water in their leaves, they need a substrate that filters correctly so that the succulents can absorb only what they need.

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