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Succulents: what are the care that the rosary plant needs

It is one of the succulents more required above all for its versatility but also for its particular pearl-shaped leaves. It is the rosary plant or also known as Senecio Rowleyanus.

For those who love succulents and they want to have a variety in their home, nothing better than including a specimen of this species of crass. Its leaves are spherical and striking, although certain care must be taken to make it look its best.

This plant is one of the most exotic of succulents.

Is succulent It is not only characterized by its leaves but also because it has long stems that resemble a pearl necklace or a rosary, as its name indicates. It is native to South Africa and requires moderate watering so it is easy to care for.

One of the fundamental premises for cultivating this fleshy plant It is that the leaves are a little more sensitive than those of other succulents, so it needs good lighting but it does not support direct sun.

The leaves resemble peas.

In this sense, the best place for it to grow lush is near a window or on a balcony or terrace. During the mornings it can receive sunlight since these are the hours when there is less radiation.

It is also suggested to locate them at the top of a shelf or a library since it has long stems. The leaves are the best indicators to know if they have the appropriate light: if they turn brown it is because they need a place with more shade.

They can be grown in pots.

irrigation and drainage

In addition to these data about light, it is important to note that for the best care of the succulents It is essential to install them in a pot with some conditions: the substrate must be appropriate and it must have good drainage.

It is essential that they are in containers with good drainage.

For the land of the succulents, you can mix black earth, small stones or sand so that it lets the water run. The same with respect to drainage: it is essential that the pot have a hole at its base because the worst thing for this type of plant is waterlogging.

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