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Succulents: what are the lesser-known reasons for your succulents not to thrive

Not everything is as simple as it seems. Many fans who want to delve into the subject of gardening opt for the succulentswhich are plants famous for requiring little care and moderate watering.

But keep in mind that the best way to bring these fleshy plants to life is to pay attention to every single detail. Some maintain that they do not last succulents and that is due to certain tips that are overlooked.

The color of the succulents will reveal if they are well cared for.

One of the fundamental data for the succulents look healthy and strong is the amount of water they receive. In case you see the yellow or brown leaves, you will have to pay more attention to them.

This may be because the crass they received an excess of irrigation and if we do not put a limit to that, in a short time they will die. Then the water supply must be cut off and replanted in another pot with dry substrate. It is suggested to water it every fortnight.

A good substrate is the starting point for plants to grow healthy.

Another detail that can show that the succulents are not at their best is that their leaves begin to wrinkle. Despite the fact that many believe that it is due to excess water, you have to know that it is the opposite.

If that happens, the first thing to do is give it a good dose of water because that appearance means that it has been forgotten and not watered in a long time. Well, it has to do with great dehydration.

Not all succulents tolerate sunlight in the same way.

bugs and pests

As experts suggest, the best way to care for succulents is with a high degree of observation. This will serve not only to know if it is located in the right place, but also to recognize if the irrigation is the right one. or if it has a pest that keeps it sick.

As an important fact, poor drainage can cause fungus in the roots.

When the leaves drop a lot or if they turn black, white or greyish, it is most likely because it has some fungus. In this case, it is recommended to apply the corresponding homemade insecticide.

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