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Such a big sun: will Yannis kill Tom and Stan? Teddy Candela’s response!

In the episode broadcast this Friday, September 8 ofSuch a big sun, the France 2 soap opera, the stolen sailboat is intercepted by the Spanish coast guard with a large sum on board. Virgil waits for his return, unaware of what has happened. Aubert, Yannis’ boss, suspects that Tom and Stan know too much and tasks Yannis with eliminating them. The question remains: Yannis will he take action or will Virgil save his protégé once again? While the series was canceled this Monday, September 11, the actor Teddy Candelawho plays the role of Yannis, the supplier of Buddha Blue, answered our questions.

Such a big sun: Teddy Candela “Super happy” of his filming

How was the filming?

I shot eight days on Such a big sun. I was very well received. This shoot was a bit of a shift for me because before I was worried a lot about the roles I could have. I worked a lot on the characters, I was into psychology a lot. And there, I let myself go. I just learned my lines and was freewheeling to see what it was like. It was a really enjoyable shoot because I was completely relaxed and happy. What people have told me about it because I haven’t seen the episodes yet, the result is pretty good. I’m very happy.

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In Such a big sun, you play the role of Yannis, a supplier of Buddha Blue, a synthetic drug. Have you ever heard of it?

No never. I even wondered if it was a real drug. And then, while doing research, I realized that yes, but I had never heard of it.

Such a big sun: Teddy Candela opens up about Yannis’ dilemma

Will Yannis kill Tom and Stan? Will Virgil get involved?

I’m not going to tell you if Tom and Stan will die. What I can tell you is that it pisses him off having to kill these two little guys. Even if my character is someone who is quite dark and quite harmful, there was still a somewhat fraternal relationship that was born between us. And even if I use them, I also want to protect them, to take care of them. Is Yannis going to do it or not? You will see in the next episodes. But what I can tell you is that Yannis doesn’t want to kill Tom and Stan. And Virgil will then get involved.

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What will become of your character?

My character may come back. I will not tell you anything else.

What are your projects ? Your desires ?

I just starred in a short film called Medicus by Sam Ourabah which is now in post-production. I also play in the theater, at the Comédie de Grenoble, in a boulevard play, in something quite far from what I was able to do in Such great sunshine. And then I myself am in the process of writing a short film script that I would like to end up shooting. Afterwards, I am also a very good friend of Jérémy Laval, the director of the film Noise, who has other projects up his sleeve…

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