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Super Mario Bros.: Old Mario 64 manga reveals the disturbing origin of the mushrooms with extra lives of the video game

super mario 64 It is one of the best video games in history, which marked an era and the hearts of gamers. Nintendo 64. But it also had a manga adaptation that reveals the disturbing origin of the mushrooms with extra lives of the video game.

As he recalls a report published on the website of 3D Lat Gamesit was a relief to find the green mushrooms in the game to receive an extra life and continue retrying the most difficult levels of the title.

Now, a netizen wondered where the useful mushrooms come from and has turned to the manga material for the answer, but it is extremely disturbing.

A cemetery of Marios

Twitter account @MarioBrothBlogwith more than 212 thousand followers on the social network and which identifies itself as a profile that shares “dark Mario content”, revealed an image from the Mario 64 manga that has confirmed that Super Mario’s green mushrooms grow from the corpses of dead Marios.

The illustration from the 1996 manga, according to the report, seems to illustrate the cycle of life and death.

A 1996 Super Mario 64 manga suggests that 1-Up mushrooms grow from the bodies of dead Marios, perpetuating the cycle of life and death.”, wrote the tweeter, attaching the disturbing image.

This account adds that these sleeves of the plumber “They’re full of wacky jokes and theories, so this should be taken more as an interesting thought experiment than something that would actually be endorsed by Nintendo”.

Another of the crazy theories put forward in the manga suggested that Mario recovers his oxygen from the coins when he swims in Super Mario 64, breaking them and thus obtaining the air inside them, something related to greed, but it’s just a joke.

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