You are currently viewing Surviving Summer (Netflix): do the actors really know how to surf for a living?

Season 2 of Surviving Summer has been available since September 15, 2023 on Netflix. The opportunity to wonder if the heroes’ performers are really surfing during the sports sequences!

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Number 4 in the top most viewed series of the moment on Netflix, season 2 of Surviving Summer keeps us hanging on a little longer to summer. After a thrilling first salvo released in 2022, Netflix added eight new episodes on September 15, 2023. Once again, the adventures of Summer Tommer and her friends have captivated subscribers of the streaming platform. While the rebellious ex-New Yorker trains with her friends for the national surfing competition, a new rival arrives, determined to compete with her on the waves and in hearts… Sky Katz, like the other actors , seem to be very comfortable on a surfboard, but do they really practice this sport in real life?

Who are the actors of Surviving Summer the most experienced in surfing?

Unlike many Netflix series, the sport highlighted in this series for teenagers is indeed practiced by the actors! Besides, Lilliana Bowrey, who plays the character Poppy, is a professional surfer in real life. She is a five-time Queensland junior surfing champion and, like her character Poppy Tetanui, the 18-year-old has ambitions to become a world surfing champion. She made her acting debut in the Netflix series. As for the other actors, Kai Lewins (Ari) shoots the majority of the surfing scenes alone, as does João Gabriel Marinho (Marlon). For really worked sequences, it may be that professional surfers take over in order to avoid potential injury to actors and actresses.

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A season 3 of Surviving Summer is it possible on Netflix?

For now, it is too early to know if Netflix will order a season 3 of Surviving Summer. Given the excellent feedback from viewers, the series’ place in the streaming platform’s rankings, and its plot which smells of summer and romantic rapprochements, we can hope that Australian fiction will play the extensions!

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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