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Susanna Griso, about Zorra: The season is open for children to insult their classmates

Susanna Griso, about Zorra: The season is open for children to insult their classmates

Mara Bas and Mark Dasousa already have the ticket to fly to Sweden. The anthem that they carry in their suitcase, The debtis his tool to conquer the Malm public and return to Spain with the coveted Crystal Microphone. They will also carry in their luggage the good and bad comments that they have been garnering since their candidacy became official, just after the victory in the Benidorm Fest.

Although they have lived a outpouring of loving supportboth for the charisma and for the message of the song, have also received not a few setbacks by, precisely, the interpretation that can be made of the lyrics. One of the last to join this criticism has been Susanna Griso. The television presenter invited this Mars to Public Mirror a Silvia Carrascopresident of Feminists for Cataloniawhose opinion about the song is as firm as it is negative.

There is an intention on the part of the Government

There are no feminists who support this song, what happens is that there is a landing of people who defend exactly the opposite of feminism. and they have even taken advantage of the demonstrations on March 8, Carrasco asserted, adding that these people make demands to say that everything remains perfect by changing the meaning of all the words.

Then summarize the above in a simple maxim: now slut is empowering. Well not like that. And he went even further by asserting that bitch is the cry that is made before murdering womenthe case of this song being a trivialization of violence against girls and a frivolity of the first order on the part of members of the Government.

Then the presenter of the format, who had previously intervened to ask herself What would happen if the choirs shouted faggot instead of bitch?put the finishing touch to Carrasco’s intervention by saying that there is nothing to add and that he agreed with his words. There are very critical feminists and the season is open for kids and children to fuck and call their classmate a bitch because, in short, there is a song that is going to Eurovision using that motto.Griso completed.

But it wasn’t going to stay there. The television channel took a step further in its criticism and pointed at the Government by insisting that there is quite a trap in all of this. The vocalists and those who have promoted this song try to wrap themselves in the LGTBI and feminist flag because they want to win over these groups, but in a fraudulent way.he reflects.

Then he finished outlining the construction of the supposed plot. There is an intention on the part of the Spanish Government, of TVE and those who are behind this song to look good at Eurovision working on those groups that are the ones that mostly support that festivalclosed the circle, and put the cherry on top: let’s not fool ourselves.

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