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Sustainability: Old mobile phones: There is so much gold in discarded devices

In Germany there are over 200 million unused mobile phones and smartphones lying in drawers. A study shows: They are full of raw materials.

  • German households hoard more than 200 million mobile phones. A huge waste of raw materials, criticizes a new study
  • The metal in the old devices is theoretically sufficient to cover the material requirements for mobile phones for the next ten years
  • Old cell phones should be donated, sold or recycled, advises the consumer advice center in North Rhine-Westphalia

There are currently more worldwide natural raw materials mined and processed than the earth can provide in that period. One shows how wasteful industrial nations are currently with resources Study by the German Economic Institute (IW) in Cologne.

According to a theoretical calculation, the metal alone is sufficient discarded mobile phones in Germany to cover the material requirements for smartphones for the next ten years. According to this, around 210 million old devices are stored in the drawers of German households. 87 percent of Germans would have at least one mobile phone that they no longer use. On average, there are more than two devices per citizen. This number has doubled since 2015, states the institute. In theory, the bill is because not all cell phones are recycled. Also, not all devices are completely recyclable, according to the IW.

Urban mine full of iron, silicon or magnesium

Discarded mobile phones are a huge and indispensable source of raw materials, state the authors of the study. The most common metals contained therein are iron, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, copper, nickel and chromium. Extrapolated to 210 million “drawer cell phones”, around 3,356 tons of iron, 1,520 tons of magnesium, 1,388 tons of copper, 1,403 tons of aluminum, 3.57 tons of gold and 1,947 tons of silicon would lie around unused in German households. The institute estimates the total metal value of unused devices in Germany at around 240 million euros – more than that Ten times the material value of smartphones sold in 2021 (23.5 million euros).

Discarded mobile phones belong to the so-called “urban mines“. This term includes man-made raw material deposits, such as bridges, houses, cars or washing machines. Steel can be obtained from cars or bridges. The Federal Environment Agency estimates that the German economy uses around 1.3 billion tons of materials every year accumulate such enormous stocks of material that future sources of raw materials could be. “The raw material potential of important materials, such as metals, exists in electrical devices that are no longer used and must be reused,” the authors of the IW study demand.

There is noisy Consumer Center North Rhine-Westphalia many ways to donate or dispose of discarded smartphones.

Donation to non-profit organizations

Nonprofit organizations like Nabu, FEDERATION or German environmental aid sometimes also in cooperation with mobile phone providers cell phone collections by. Telekom also cooperates with charitable projects and has old cell phones processed or recycled.

Disposal as electronic waste at collection points or shops

Most mobile phone shops accept old cell phones. If you prefer to dispose of your device instead, you can hand it in at a recycling center in the city like any other electronic device. All larger shops that sell electronic devices are also obliged to accept them. Since the entry into force of Elektrogesetz on July 1, 2021 Supermarkets and larger grocery stores also have to accept old mobile phones if they – such as Aldi or Kaufland – sell electronic items permanently or as promotional items. The Federal Environment Agency informed on this page about the details of the law.

Sale and purchase on the Internet

If you sell your mobile phone that is still functional, you also make one Contribution to resource protection – because it extends the life of the product. In addition to online sales platforms such as Ebay or Ebay classifieds, there are numerous online retailers such as rebuy, Wirkaufens or clevertronic who buy cell phones. A comparison of purchase prices and a list of online dealers offers, for example

Also read: Secondhand: This is how much money consumers can earn

Whether it’s a donation, recycling or sale: Anyone who hands over their cell phone that is no longer in use should protect themselves from the Misuse of Personal Data protect and first reset the device to the factory settings. The SIM card and – if available – the SD memory card should be removed from the device, advises the consumer portal Finanztip.

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