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Tapie: do the actors in the Netflix series resemble the personalities they play? (PICTURES)

Wednesday September 13, Tapie, the Netflix event miniseries, depicts the controversial years of Bernard Tapie. In the casting: a range of actors, including the talented Laurent Laffite in the role of the French entrepreneur. Do the actors resemble the real protagonists? Answer in pictures.

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Netflix created the event this Wednesday, September 13 with its new series, Tapie. Romantic in every way, the life of Bernard Tapie could only one day be adapted into fiction. And it is therefore the American platform which draws the first with the mini-series Tapie, which, over the course of 7 rhythmic and entertaining episodes, paints the subjective portrait of this divisive businessman. Arousing the admiration of some and the tension of others, this unscrupulous innovator left no one indifferent and this fiction, in which his family did not participate, will surely have the same effect on spectators. Laurent Lafittecharismatic and overflowing with energy, lends his features to Bernard Tapie. The actor resident at the Comédie Française plays Joséphine Japy (Dominique Tapie), Hakim Jemili (Farid Ben Talik), Camille Chamoux (Nicole), Ophélia Kolb (Michèle Layec Tapie), Fabrice Luchini (Marcel Loiseau)

Tapie (Netflix): for Laurent Lafitte, “the” Tapie of this miniseries is recognizable without ever being a copy and paste of the original”

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Tapie follows the journey of Bernard Tapie from the end of the sixties until his incarceration in 1997. Impressive in the title role, Laurent Lafitte understood and thought about this character, avoiding mimicry and caricature to deliver his own version of this larger-than-life character. “The “Tapie of this miniseries is recognizable without ever being a copy and paste of the original. “That’s how we wanted to approach it” has explained Laurent LafitteThe idea was really to create our vision of Tapie, that I compose my version of Tapie, that he is always present, that we never have the impression that it is not him that I interpret but that I do not completely disappear into the character“.

Tapie (Netflix): a careful reconstruction and a similar casting… but not too much!

On paper, Laurent Laffite doesn’t look at all like Bernard Tapie. However, without resorting to many artifices apart from wigs and a few extra kilos, the actor carries out a transformation which makes him both totally credible and resembling the ex-entrepreneur, singer, politician, actor and president of Olympique de Marseille, whose physical evolution he follows over the years. Is the rest of the cast also similar? Answer in images in our slideshow.

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