You are currently viewing Tapie: what would Bernard Tapie have thought of the Netflix series?  His son responds

The Tapie family was able to discover the series exclusively Tapie, available on Netflix from September 13. Laurent Tapie has a strong opinion on this fiction and he already knows what his father, Bernard Tapie, would have thought of it.

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The event series is coming. On September 13, Netflix will unveil its new original creation on the life of Bernard Tapie, the famous French businessman who went from TV salesman to minister. Tristan Séguéla – son of Jacques Séguéla and very close friend of the Tapie family – and Olivier Demangel bring the former OM boss back in time for several episodes, with an exceptional cast. To interpret this multifaceted man: Laurent Lafitte. “I created my version of Bernard Tapie. I didn’t work from archives. I didn’t record my voice so that it was perfectly like his. I wasn’t in the imitation”, the actor told us. Invited this Tuesday morning on the air of RMC Story, Laurent Tapie, the son of Bernard Tapie, took a position on this series and he knows what his father would have thought of it.

“He did what the public perhaps expected”comments Laurent Tapie on the director of Tapie

“For once, he wouldn’t have liked it at all, loose cash Laurent Tapie against Apolline de Malherbe. “(Tristan Séguéla NRLD) did what the public perhaps expected, to completely rediscover the image we had of him, but the person was not exactly his image.explained the businessman: There are many things that we find, but also many things that we cannot find. It’s also one of the things I criticize about the series.”. Laurent Tapie mainly criticizes this series for being fictitious, with elements that are far from reality, such as the role of “brain” that his mother holds throughout the episodes.

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“I really liked the first two episodes, but…”Laurent Tapie not convinced

“Initially, I really liked the first two episodes, because we find the Tapie, a bit searching for himself. The talkative Tapie who shows his tricks, but the character remains like that throughout the series, so thatMy father has evolved. He didn’t go from being a TV salesman to ending up as a minister, president of OM, president of Adidas while being the same small TV salesman. And we don’t feel that in the series.”added Laurent Tapie who has an opinion “mixed” on the series. “There’s never a moment where you say, ‘oh he’s brilliant!’ How brilliant he is!”concluded the one who dreams of making a film about his father.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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