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Tara Lipinski: Figure skating star Tara Lipinski is expecting a child via surrogate mother

Tara Lipinski suffered four miscarriages on her fertility journey. Now the figure skating legend and her husband are expecting a child via surrogate mother.

A few weeks ago, former figure skater Tara Lipinski, 41, made her infertility public. In an interview with the US magazine “People”, she reported on the terrible blows of fate that have befallen her in recent years. “My lowest point was last summer when I had two miscarriages in a row. One miscarriage was heartbreaking, but four left me feeling like a shell of myself. After the second miscarriage, I stopped crying. There were no tears left.” , she said.

Meanwhile, Tara and her husband, producer Todd Kapostasy, launched the joint podcast “Unexpecting” in which they share their story to educate. There they announce wonderful news: they are going to be parents.

Tara Lipinski is expecting a child via surrogate mother

In the new episode of their podcast, Tara and Todd talk about the moment their surrogate mother Mikayla told them the good news. “I just sobbed,” Lipinski remembers. After all the “years of trauma,” the tears just poured out of her. “I don’t know how to describe it other than pure relief,” said the 41-year-old Olympian. “And of course happiness and the thought that maybe our lives will finally change and we won’t be stuck in the same terrible hamster wheel anymore.”

After learning they were becoming parents, the couple took a trip to Malibu, California to celebrate. On the terrace of a house on the Pacific, the two of them watched the sunset animatedly. “It felt (…) almost like a cliched ending to a movie where the sun finally sets on our terrible fertility journey,” says Kapostasy.

The former figure skater, who was crowned the youngest world champion in 1997 at the age of 14, goes on to explain that she and Mikayla have become “close friends” and talk on the phone every day.

Former figure skater had four miscarriages

During her fertility journey, Tara Lipinski and her husband faced “almost every obstacle” possible when it comes to artificial insemination, she told People. “In the last five years I’ve been under anesthesia 24 times, had four miscarriages, four D&Cs (Dilatation and crettage: scraping of the uterine mucosa, editor’s note“), six failed transfers, eight retractions and was diagnosed with endometriosis, which required two major surgeries,” she revealed, making the extent of her ordeal clear.

Nevertheless, she never gave up hope. The “urge to become a mother” kept her going and “keeping her alive.” Now the couple, who tied the knot in 2017, are looking forward to their child.

Sources used: “Unexpected”,

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