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This Sunday October 1st, Teddy Beaufour, discovered in Large families: life in XXL, answered questions from his subscribers on Instagram. He spoke about his health since his accident and how the investigation was progressing.

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A long convalescence. It will soon be a year since Teddy Beaufour, the father of the tribe discovered in Large families: life in XXL, had a terrible car accident. While he was going shopping, a vehicle hit the family truck head-on. “They had to cut up the truck to get it out. Ted spoke to me for 2 seconds but a firefighter took over to tell me that he was injured in the leg and hip without giving me any more information. confided his wife, Ophélie before revealing that he had a broken pelvis and that he had dislocated his hip. He suffered physical and moral after-effects from this accident and underwent rehabilitation.

Some more positive news

This Sunday, October 1, Teddy Beaufour spoke on Instagram and gave news of his health. He says he’s “much better,” but still has “pains“.”As soon as I push myself a little, wear shoes that are a bit heavy, push my hips or drive too much… last week, I was in Toulouse, an hour’s drive, leaving the car, I have pain“, he says. But Teddy Beaufour is not worried, his surgeon told him that this was completely normal and that it still takes time for his wound to heal properly. So he knows that he will have after-effects andpremature osteoarthritis and then perhaps see a hip prosthesis later“.”We will see that in future years“, he concludes. Teddy Beaufour will have to live with the consequences of this accident for the rest of his life.

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The investigation is completed

Teddy Beaufour also returned to the investigation into this accident. The father revealed that it was closed. “Now, we are waiting for the battle between insurance companies and lawyers“, he tells his subscribers, who were quite preoccupied. Teddy Beaufour will therefore have to immerse himself in this terrible day for the sake of the trial, which promises to be a complicated ordeal.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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