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Telefe broke its historical record and confirmed the failure of El Trece

telefe and El Trece were for a long time the most sought after by viewers when it came to entertainment.

However, with the advent of streaming platforms, TV began to suffer from other competition and teleph It didn’t seem to be the exception. The air signal maintained a decent audience average, although not very outstanding.

Historical record for Telefe and “Big Brother”. Source: (TW Rating Lucca).

The quantum leap of telephUndoubtedly, it came from the hand of “Big Brother”, the historic reality show that began airing more than two decades ago.

Nobody seemed to expect the phenomenon that occurred with the program that Santiago del Moro is currently conducting. Especially in the elimination galas that are broadcast on Sunday nights, it is usually around 20 rating points, something unthinkable for the small screen these days.

The ratings gap seems to mark a true chasm between the channels. Source: (TW Nacho Rodríguez).

Yesterday Alfa, one of the most controversial participants of the most famous house in the country, was eliminated. After fighting a one-on-one duel with Romina, who went from being his confidante to his archenemy, the public left him out with just over 50% of the votes.

During the broadcast, the channel it had rating peaks that reached 26.1 points, surpassing itself in its previous record, also marked by one of the broadcasts of this edition of “Big Brother”.

The channel managed to overcome the situation that occurred the day before, when the nominees’ dinner received little audience.

Good and bad news

Unfortunately, the joy of teleph On the other hand, it brings the constant fall of El Trece, which last night did not even reach 3 audience points, having to compete with the popular reality show.

The gap marked a difference of more than 20 points between one and the other, and thus reconsecrated the station whose studios are in Martínez as the undisputed leader.

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