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Terelu Campos freaks out on TVE and makes her bosses angry

Terelu Campos, about the first Christmas Eve without her mother: It is the most difficult of my life

The photographs of Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia kissing passionately in a well-known shopping center in Madrid continue to make people talk. And no one expected this affair between the children of two great celebrities in this country: Terelu Campos and Mar Flores, respectively. We are getting to know each other and we have met very recently. You have got it out first, what happens next will be seen. It would be great if we could have something normal and calmer, you can’t define everything by a kiss, said the Toy Boy actor.

In the event that this unexpected romance goes ahead, Terelu Campos and Mar Flores will be condemned to understand each other, something that Mara Teresa’s daughter will not like. They say they are enemies… And now, they could be possible in-laws, Gema López said this morning in Espejo Pblico. The reason for this enmity between them? Nothing more and nothing less than the great friendship that Terelu has with Nuria González, widow of Fernando Fernández Tapias, the businessman with whom Mar had a relationship more than two decades ago.


  • Terelu Campos’ daughter and Mar Flores’ son grace the cover of Semana magazine, where they appear passionately kissing on the street.

Terelu is much more uncomfortable than Mar and does not handle it with the same naturalness, adds Laura Fa in the space hosted by Susanna Griso on Antena 3. The journalist also says that the former collaborator of Slvame believes that the photographs of Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia were produced after a tip-off to the press; He also does not look favorably on this incipient relationship. The fact that Costanzia wears a telematic bracelet and has to go every night to spend the night in a center after being accused of fraud is something that would make him rule it out, reported by Espejo Pblico.

Where is Terelu?

After the words of the protagonists of the photographs, all eyes focus on Terelu Campos. My daughter’s life belongs solely and exclusively to my daughter.she expressed as soon as the cover of Semana magazine became public, although reluctantly and visibly uncomfortable.

As published this Monday InformaliaTerelu’s discomfort with this matter is so great that she has not even wanted to appear for her job in Maaneros, the space hosted by Jaime Cantizano on La 1, nor in D Corazn, Anne Igartiburu’s weekend program. and Jordi González. He has not sat down in either of the two seats where we know that he has been asked to do so.reports the aforementioned media.

She has not even entered by phone to give her opinion about the relationship, say if she is happy or not, or clear up doubts about the anger that many say he has with his daughter for having hidden it from himand also go out with Carlo, the son of Nuria González’s arch-enemy, Terelu’s close friend, they add.

This attitude of the La 1 collaborator It has not gone down well with the bosses of Terelu. Informalia explains that RTVE does not understand how television is handling this issue since they are the ones who have given him the opportunity to continue his career after the end of Slvame despite the brutal criticism they receive on social networks.

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