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Terelu Campos reappears on television after her admission to the emergency room: What a scare I got

Terelu Campos reappears on television after her admission to the emergency room: What a scare I got

The last week of Terelu Campos has been anything but pleasant: the daughter of María Teresa Campos She was hospitalized last Saturday at the Jimnez Díaz Foundation in Madrid due to severe pneumonia. and there he remained for four long days, with their respective nights, undergoing all kinds of tests and his stay in the health center resulted in a harsh anecdote that the television station summarized, upon leaving, in the most concise way possible: I came in pretty bad and now I’m better.


  • The daughter of María Teresa Campos has confessed in D Corazon that one Sunday after many hours she decided to open an account that she now regrets.

  • The collaborator has reappeared this Sunday on DCorazn de La 1 to talk about the budding romance between Carlo Costanzia and his daughter Alejandra Rubio.

So much so that, after a few days of recovery at home, has decided to go to work. It was this Sunday when he returned, with an indelible smile on his face and in the program. DCoraznfrom La 1. Jordi Gonzlez I asked her how she had experienced the hectic beginning of the week and she, without losing a single bit of joy on her face, described her experience.

Mark distances with tobacco

What a scare I got, but I’m bettersays Terelu. His words were full of sincerity and he did not abandon self-criticism in his reconstruction of the events, as well as in their justification and explanation: All the respiratory and lung things are not just anything, I don’t contribute much to any very bad and disgusting vice either.

He was referring to his addiction to tobacco and the complications it brings to his health. In this regard also He wanted to deny that, as has been said on social networks, he smoked during his time in hospital.. In fact, he states bluntly that He hasn’t smoked for nine days and that she is committed to her health and determined to change a habit that she considers very harmful.

He also extracted from his admission a curious life lesson, imposed by chance and joking with a fatuous grace as only destiny can be: he was assigned the same room where his mother died. Maybe things happen for a reason, I want to think that’s how it is, reflect. It wasn’t easy at first, but later, as she improved, rediscovering herself after leaving behind the worst moments of pneumonia, she reconciled herself with a situation that went from shock to learning.

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