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Tessa’s tough announcement – first beef before the bush!

The candidates will probably have to starve…

From January 13th it will be again: “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!”. Twelve (more or less) well-known celebrities dare to enter the hardcore trash format and are rewarded with all kinds of disgust tests.

One refuses in advance!

Ex-GNTM candidate Tessa Bergmeier (33) has not even arrived in the down-under camp in Australia, she already reveals in the RTL interview that the other candidates cannot count on her for every exam. Because: Tessa is vegan. So she not only avoids meat, but also everything that could come from the animal. Below: eggs and milk. Clear. But also sperm and urine?

Those affected decide for themselves which bodily fluids are vegan and which are not. Normally, the average person does not find themselves in a situation in which the question becomes relevant. Different in the jungle. What Tessa does in this case remains to be seen.

The fact is: The jungle camp doesn’t care about vegetarians and vegans! Ergo: If you don’t swallow in the exam, you won’t get anything sensible to munch on later. In the past, Tina Ruland (56) and Co. lost valuable stars as vegetarians and thus important food for the ENTIRE group.

And what does Tessa give a whistle? To the other campers. “Not eating animals is not a limit, it is my idea of ​​ethics and morality. Just like someone else’s attitude is not to eat people, I don’t want to eat living things,” the model said.

The model is still radiant: but some candidates have already passed it in the jungle

Photo: RTL

“However, I also have the gene, when I see someone buying meat, to ask the person that there are vegan alternatives.” THAT sounds like stress. Because what meat eaters usually like even less than vegan alternatives are people who point them out.

Tessa is probably less bothered by the fact that the other candidates will suffer a lack of meat. “It’s a home game for me, rice and beans aren’t an issue for me.” Their mission: Maybe even convert one or the other.

“If the campers pounce on me for it, I can explain it. Maybe I’ll change one or the other or at least make you think. If you have a problem, you should talk about it,” explains Tessa. Will it be that easy? With little sleep, little in the stomach and 11 roommates, there were fewer arguments.

The jungle squad 2023 (above from left): Jolina Mennen, Cosimo Citiolo, Tessa Bergmeier, Jana Pallaske, Papis Loveday and Verena Kerth. Bottom from left: Lucas Cordalis, Markus Mörl, Cecilia Asoro, Claudia Effenberg, Martin Semmelrogge and Gigi Birofio

Photo: RTL

After all: Except for animal products, Tessa is ready for everything. “I’m always happy when something scary happens, I find that exciting because I have the opportunity to experience an adventure in the jungle and I don’t miss it.”

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