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Thalia’s wig falls off in full video on TikTok: This is how the artist reacted

Thalia's wig falls off in full video on TikTok: This is how the artist reacted

Artists are not exempt from embarrassing moments, but Thalia He has known how to take advantage of one of these on social networks; While she was trying to record a video for TikTok, her wig fell off, an instant that has gone viral on the networks.

The Mexican singer and actress was ready to show off all her glamor and long hair, but when she shook her head, the wig fell out of her grip.

TikTok Capture / Thalia

The scared face of the artist when she lost her wig said more than a thousand words and in the video you can even see the moment in which she tries to stop the recording in a hurry, but it was too late.

TikTok Capture / Thalia

However, the funniest thing about this moment is that Thalia herself posted the video on her TikTok account along with the description: “You wanted to show off.”

Although Thalia’s video is from several weeks ago, these days it has gone viral on social networks and on her profile it only has more than 12 million views, but many say that it was all an excellent performance by the Mexican to make people laugh. to his followers.

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