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"Thanks to Francis Huster": Dominique Besnehard tells how the actor saved him from a heart problem

The producer of the series “Ten percent”, inspired by his career, suffered a “heart problem” the day after the evening of the election of Miss France, for which he was a sworn.

A “kinda special” Christmas for Dominique Besnehard. The 68-year-old actor, producer and ex-agent of stars told this Sunday, on his Facebook page, that he almost did not spend the holiday season.

The one we saw no later than last week in the jury of the election of Miss France was the victim of a “heart problem” the day after the evening which dedicated Indira Ampiot, Miss Guadeloupe.

“Thanks to Francis Huster and my friend Hubert for realizing that I was going off the rails,” he said on the social network. They “stopped the car” when “they MAGICALLY crossed a fire engine”, explains Besnehard this Sunday.

“Everything is in order”

Francis Huster, actor and director, also attended the Miss France evening since he was the president of the jury.

“What would have [été] my destiny then? Everything is in order now I think because I am well followed by my cardiologist and by the team at the Georges Pompidou hospital”, adds Besnehard.

Dominique Besnehard is particularly known for his career as a celebrity agent, which inspired him to produce the series Dix pour cent. After having been casting director, he was thus the agent of Nathalie Baye, Laura Smet or even Sophie Marceau. He also set foot in the political sphere, being Ségolène Royal’s adviser after his defeat in the 2007 presidential election.

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