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The 1st jungle camper flies out today – who do you want to get rid of?

The first week jungle camp is over. And for most celebs in the TV book, it is Paint already off.

One grumbles, the other snores, the next one cries – some jungle campers drive the viewers crazy with their kind. Who do you want to get rid of first?

Because tonight (RTL, from 9.30 p.m.) the time has come: At halftime in Down Under, the first one is thrown out. Twelve become eleven, who then continue to fight for the jungle crown until the next one has to clear his jungle cot.

BILD already wanted to know in a large voting who you are most likely to treat yourself to the crown – the male model Papis Loveday (46) surprisingly catapulted himself to first place. Most BILD readers are currently treating him to winning the jungle camp.

But now it’s about whose fuse doesn’t light up in the jungle and who you can do without in the TV bush.

Who do you think has to go first? The jungle campers are also thinking about this. Does Verena Kerth (left) or Claudia Effenberg have to vacate their place on the bunk?

Photo: RTL

Is it discuss model Tessa Bergmeier (33), who really annoys her jungle camp roommates and just settled bitterly with GNTM model mom Heidi Klum (49)? or Jana “URKRAFT” Palaske (43), with whom spirituality also went into the bush?

Are you tired of the spoiled TV macho Luigi? Gigi” Birofio (23), who still lives with his mother in real life and is constantly tired in the camp. Or maybe Lucas Cordalis (55, singer and husband of Daniela Katzenberger), who suddenly rocked the jungle test with player wife Claudia Effenberg (57) after his snoring nose yesterday and got 9 stars?

STILL there are twelve jungle campers, but for one the Busch clock is ticking relentlessly. Vote on who should leave the jungle camp first! (imu)

Who should fly out of the jungle camp? App users vote HERE!

Micaela is sure “Lucas is under the thumb of the cat”

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