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The age difference does not prevent being happy

For love there is no age, say the romantics and for some they may be right and others reject that statement outright. The Peruvian show business, which almost always surprises us, presents a story of two who love each other and have a big difference in the year of birth. Luiggi Carbajal, former cumbia singer, comic actor and con 41 years living on this planet, announces marriage to diana garcia, 27 years and no known past on television or radio.

The fourteen-year difference in age, for some it can be an obstacle to the relationship, for others simply a detail and for psychologists, a whole case of interpretation and exploration in the mind of each protagonist.

But they are not the only couple with a marked generational difference. Our artists have accustomed us to many stories where he or she is the one who was born first and with several almanacs before.

This time, it is good to review the stories of some relationships, with the same age detail and that despite everything, they are still together, as if to tell the detractors that the years of life are just numbers and that affection is what main, to love each other.

He is 55 years old and she is 39. They have been together for 14 years, they met in rehearsals for a play and she reveals that a week after being in love, he asked her to have a child. Zero scandals and everything indicates that they are happy.

The filmmaker’s son ‘Pancho’ is 48 years old and she is 34. The actress, dancer and presenter pointed out that her father, the well-remembered soccer player ‘Titín’ Drago, upon learning of their love story and the difference in the dates of birth, commented: ‘Those relationships don’t work.’ But she was wrong. At least until today.

The popular “Child with a Fish Face” is 39 years old and the former reality girl is 25. They have been in a relationship for 7 years, 5 as a married couple. They met on the recordings of ‘Al Fondo hay sitio’, although they greeted each other and nothing else, she made an invitation to her birthday from her networks and he attended and there began a more personal dialogue that ended in a declaration of love.

It can be assured, that they are cases of stable couples, who fell in love without looking at the ID and the years, show that this does not really matter. Although it doesn’t work the same in all cases, but as long as they don’t hurt anyone, they love each other, they love each other and as the great Cuban troubadour Pablo Milanés would say: ‘And it doesn’t matter what people say, they always talk.’

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