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The American figure who was involved in the Fede Bal scandal

Everything seems to indicate that Fede Bal He downplayed the constant calls for attention that his neighbors in Carlos Paz made to him for his parties for a reason of force majeure: his infidelities, according to Yanina Latorre, went full time and even with unimaginable figures from the middle of the show business.

Panelist Yanina Latorre opened Pandora’s box when she revealed on “LAM” that she had the chats that Sofía Aldrey had found on her phone Fede Bal with other women, including Claudia Albertario and a Brazilian named Anahí. However, it seems that, at that time, the driver of “Rest of the World” escaped being paired with a person who was also in the same studio as Latorre.

Although the little angel missed this catch, The truth is that Marcela Tauro and Maite Peñoñori revealed in “Intruders” that Estefi Berardi was also included in the information provided, since Aldrey would have sent some conversations between Fede Bal and the panelist.

It should be noted that something that drew a lot of attention from the viewers of “LAM” and the tabloids was Berardi’s discomfort when his partner revealed the information, and although many thought it was because of his closeness to Carmen Barbieri, now this new possibility of an affair with the son of Santiago Bal.

Berardi’s reaction

After knowing this information in the afternoon program of América TV, The panelist also from “Mañanísima” made a harsh post on her social networks where she informed that she would take legal action against those who gave this information of “false chats against her”.

The media used their social networks to speak about it.

It should be noted that Peñoñori indicated that, despite not knowing the content of these conversations, it does seem to have been forceful or some evidence for Aldrey, Bal’s ex-partner, to send them to Yanina Latorre.

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