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The arrival of Marco Asensio and Sandra Garal in Mallorca before their wedding

The arrival of Marco Asensio and Sandra Garal in Mallorca before their wedding

Marco Asensio and Sandra Garal are already in Palma de Mallorca, the place where they will get married in just over a week. The couple has shared a series of photographs on social networks in which they appear smiling on board a private plane in which there has been no lack of pink balloons or a gigantic bouquet of red roses with which the architect has posed the happiest.

Special moments come…”, Garal wrote to accompany the images. The couple has also shown their hands where they rest two striking rings that they both wear with pride. Asensio reposted all the images that his fiancée shared and left a brief “here we go” before showing other photos in which he appears on the Mallorcan coast.

They will attend Marcos Llorente’s wedding this Saturday

Marco Asensio and Sandra Garal have arrived many days before their wedding because this Saturday there is another wedding that will make them very excited. Marcos Llorente, Marco’s great friend, marries Paddy Noarbe, one of Garal’s closest friends.

The one from Atlético and the influencer they will get married in Sa Fortalesa, in Pollença, the same place where tennis player Rafa Nadal married Mery Perelló in 2019.The declared Site of Cultural Interest, located in Pollença, is one of the most impregnable spaces by land, sea and air on the entire island. Something reflected in the price of your rent, 40,000 a day.

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