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The artist Choi Sung Bong, the great Korean voice who was in ‘El Hormiguero’, is found dead

The artist Choi Sung Bong, the great Korean voice who was in 'El Hormiguero', is found dead

South Korea is in mourning. The body of the local artist, Choi Sung-Bonghas been found lifeless at his home in the neighborhood of Yeoksam, one of the most sought after in the Gangnam district, at 9:40 local time this Wednesday. The police report states that the 33-year-old singer would have committed suicide inside his home. The medical staff could not do anything to save her life.

Choi Sung-Bong became publicly known thanks to the first edition of Korea’s got talenta contest in the style Got Talent in Spain, where many talents put their musical or artistic qualities to the test. The South Korean, at just 21 years old, put the program’s audience in his pocket thanks to his spectacular baritone voice. A performance that went viral on social networks and that has been rescued as a result of his death.

faked terminal cancer

The artist, who finished in second place, continued to be linked to the world of music. He was lucky enough to sign his first contact with a record company, which allowed him to release his first solo album. His interpretations crossed borders, and even landed in Spain. the anthill witnessed his remarkable qualities as the artist.

However, Choi Sung Bong has a dark side. the south korean He pretended that he suffered from terminal cancer with the aim of obtaining an economic return. Public opinion took over him, and the artist was forced to return all the money he had received as a result of the scam. The investigation considers that this fact was the trigger for his suicide, and this is demonstrated by the text that he left on his YouTube channel before he died. “I apologize to all those who suffered for my stupid mistake. I will pay for my sins”.

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