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The artist Joaqun Vila exhibits his exhibition Enjambre at Miami Art Week

The artist Joaqun Vila exhibits his exhibition Enjambre at Miami Art Week

MIAMI.- He artist Joaqun vila presents his exhibition Swarm during the week of Art Basel in Wynwood Arts District. The works in the series represent architectural structures painted using a technique that simulates the structures of honeycombs.

with the series Swarm, Joaquín, disciple and friend of the Spanish artist Domingo Zapata, talks about the difficult processes that he has had to live through, from his native province of Guantanamo on the island of Cuba to arriving in the city of New York where he lives. A transition that results in a strong shock, both in cultural, social, psychological, emotional and historical terms.

I am interested in this metaphor because for me huge cities like New York are as chaotic and dense as a swarm. Bees move intensely, while in big cities people get lost in those constant movements. Friends leave, people change, they move, they forget each other. The chaos of large cities is not only physical, it is also a mental state, very similar to the hum of bees in a swarm, comments the artist.

Show at Art Basel

Perhaps these works speak of the impact that large metropolises leave on Joaquín Vila, compared to the small town where he was born.

But, beyond their personal experience, these paintings can be a symbol of the painful process of emigrating, for all those who experience it. In previous years, Joaquín Vila has successfully presented his works along with those of Domingo Zapata, Alejandro Sanz, Eveline Drouot and Jordi Molla in group exhibitions during Art Basel.

“I have finally been able to make my life’s dream come true. Being able to share this idea, which is very intimate and identifies with my career. In addition, it is innovative because of the way of making and painting the honeycombs. The series Swarm I have worked with acrylic, wood, metal and silicone. It is an ambitious project,” concluded Joaqun.

Swarm, a unique and chaotic exhibition like what Joaquín Vila represents on his journey that took the artist from Cuba to New York.

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