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The audios of the Robinho case: “If she did not have a child, it is her word against ours”

He robinho case It is not stagnant despite the fact that the soccer player remains a refugee in his country, Brazil, where there is no extradition agreement. From Italy they requested nine years in prison for the striker after being accused of rape in 2013and after this time, it has finally been announced that the trial will take place on April 19, 2024.

However, it is now that some of the conversations that Robinho and his friends had in 2014, and that are being used by the Italian Prosecutor’s Office for their investigation. Some audios that the Brazilian portal has now published ‘UOL‘, and that reveal the involvement of the accused and their strategies to defend themselves against the accusations.

Some conversations in which you can see a calm Robinho in the first instance, although worried that his case would see the light: “Even if they call me for something, there is no problem. I go there and say: ‘First, the story was a year ago. Second, I didn’t even touch that girl’. I’m afraid of… if it doesn’t appear in the press, it’s great. Imagine: ‘Robinho’s friends rape a girl in Italy…’”.

In the audios the rape is not recognized, but the sexual relations that they carried out are: “I slept with her, she sucked me off and I left. The others stayed there. The camera wasn’t going to record me sleeping with the girl, nor the girl sucking me because if she wasn’t going to fuck everyone because she sucked me, she sucked you… How does the crazy girl remember that?

Of course, aware of the facts, Robinho knew that fleeing to Brazil would save those involved: “Who touched it is in Brazil. Go behind those people who are in Brazil. There, in Brazil. Fuck those who slept with the girl. I didn’t go to bed, you didn’t go to bed. fuck them That I went to bed, zero possibility. that will end in nothing”.

Robinho encouraged his friends to attack the victim

Robinho was not the only one to comment on the situation, as another of the defendants, Alex, also spoke with the former Real Madrid and AC Milan: “If she didn’t have a child, it’s her word against ours. There’s no way she can accuse us. Now if she had a kid, that’s a big deal”. “Since there were no cameras, it will be a bit difficult to prove that she was raped if she is not pregnant,” Robinho replied.

And it is that at one point, the rage seized the player, who even encouraged his friends to attack the victim: “Is she an idiot? We’re going to hit him! You are going to punch him and you are going to say: ‘Fuck, what have I done to you? Did I do something to you?”.

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