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The bad news that Luis Ventura gave América TV

louis ventura He is one of the most renowned journalists on Argentine television, although the truth is that his latest programs on América TV have not been as successful as “Intrusos” once was.

for some time louis ventura occupies the screens of the cube channel every Saturday with his investigative program “True Secrets”, although it drew a lot of attention that this 2022 the enemy of Jorge Rial made the decision to be the figure of “Los Invasores de la TV”, a current affairs and entertainment space that he manages alongside María Belén Ludueña.

Its beginning was not very applauded to say, since louis ventura he barely got a score of 0.7 and; As in its second broadcast, this new cycle also failed to reach the rating point. The average of his second program was 0.8 and he even managed to be surpassed by his competition, “La Hora Exacta”.

Marina Calabró, one of the most knowledgeable about television ratings, had commented on this new space on the radio program “Lanata Sin Filtros”, where she highlighted that the idea of ​​locating the figure of America TV Together with Ludueña it was a bit risky because of the different ways they both have to drive.

Ventura’s program failed to pick up on this second program.

How América TV is progressing

the channel of louis ventura was one of the first to show its records for this new beginning of the year, and the first programs to debut on its screens were “Los Invasores de la TV” and “Epa Verano”, with Nicolás Magaldi. The latter managed to beat “Socios del Espectáculo” minute by minute, the gossip segment of El Trece.

However, it seems that they will not be the only income for 2023, since a program that will be under the command of Zaira Nara and another space that will be the return of Pamela David to the screens is also expected. It should be noted that El Polaco is also on this list of premieres.

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