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The Batman: this scene which required more than 200 takes

The Batman is the highly successful reboot of the Batman franchise. If the film is of such quality, it is undoubtedly because it was worked with great meticulousness. As Matt Reeves, the director, confided, certain scenes were even shot more than 200 times…

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To the delight of fans, The Batman (currently available on Canal+) was released in 2022. This version proposed by Ben Affleck in 2015 but ultimately rewritten by Matt Reeves And Peter Craig is the reboot of a franchise that has grossed some $5 billion globally. Robert Pattinson played the masked vigilante hero seeking to put the streets of Gotham City back in order. Paul Dano played the role of serial killer the Riddler. These two actors are on the rise. But there is no question of them relying on their notoriety. In this version full of twists and turns, they both gave the best of themselves. Even if it means shooting, turning around, and re-shooting certain scenes in the film…

Matt Reeves (director of The Batman) about one of its actors: “he’s obsessive”

The crucial scene of the psychological confrontation between Batman and the Riddler was reportedly the subject of 200 takes! As a reminder, this is the final scene where a confrontation takes place between the two characters played by Robbert Pattinson (The Batman) and Paul (the Riddler). While it takes place in the underbelly of Gotham City, it contains many of the issues of the film, but also sheds light on the psychology of the characters. This is why Matt Reeves wasn’t the only one who wanted to constantly reshoot takes. Near The Guardianthe director spoke of a Paul Dano “in a trance”, totally immersed in his role and very perfectionist. “So we spent two days working on the ending scene between him and Robert Pattinson. We must have redone it easily 70 or 80 times. Paul loves to explore, he’s obsessive.” In all, the scene required more than 200 takes, many of them at the request of the Riddler’s interpreter.

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“He was so inventive and creative”

In August 2023, Robbert Pattinson confided that he had beenclose to hitting a director” whose intensity and intransigence were pushed to the extreme. But it seems that he remained calm in the face of Paul Dano’s perfectionism. Matt Reeves told Guardian having really appreciated that his actor was so invested. “He was so inventive and creative! He is also very critical of himself.“We now know why the final fight is so successful. Will there be a sequel?

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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