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The Board of Prosecutors endorses applying the total amnesty to the process

The Board of Prosecutors endorses applying the total amnesty to the process

The Board of Prosecutors has endorsed by two votes the criterion of the attorney general, lvaro Garca Ortiz, to ask the Supreme Court (TS) to apply the amnesty law to the embezzlement, disobedience and public disorder that are attributed to the defendants of the procs, including former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont.

As reported by the Prosecutor’s Office, after more than five hours of debate, the Board of Prosecutors has ruled with 19 votes in favor (including that of the attorney general himself), 17 against and one abstention. Two prosecutors have not participated in the vote because they are on sick leave.

Once the prosecutor’s office has endorsed García Ortiz’s position, he has commissioned the lieutenant prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ángeles Sánchez Conde, and the Chief Criminal Chamber prosecutor of the TS Prosecutor’s Office, Joaquín Sánchez-Covisa, to that they take on the cause of the proceedings and present the Prosecutor’s report to the Supreme Court.

The Board of Prosecutors has opted for the position of García Ortiz compared to that of the prosecutors until now in charge of the case of the proceedings in the Supreme Court, who defended that it was not feasible to amnesty the embezzlement of the accused for the Catalan independence process, understanding that they were for profit and affected the financial interests of the European Union, which in their opinion is excluded from the amnesty.

The majority has agreed with the attorney general that, After the entry into force of the law, all conduct must be declared amnestied. that were and are the subject of said procedures, as well as lifting the precautionary measures that are pending with respect to some of the defendants, which includes the national active arrest warrant against Puigdemont.

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