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The Bolo dispute escalates in the bush – Gigi rejects Claudia LÜGENberg!


“Respect that a bolo has more airtime than Lucas Cordalis” – Filip Pavlović (28).

What the reigning king of the jungle puts so nicely in a nutshell can be seen on Wednesday evening in the Australian jungle camp: The mood BOILS over – thanks to Claudia’s Bolo-LÜGENberg. The candidate is very heavy in the stomach.

Zoff delicacy for the TV viewers, stomach ache for the celebrities. And all because footballer’s wife Claudia Effenberg drags her spaghetti bolognese dizziness through the RTL show for a whopping THREE days. Until the bolo bomb explodes and the tasteless argument escalates.

But from the beginning.

Claudia’s Bolo Gate

Claudia Effenberg (57) forges a perfidious plan on Monday evening’s show, it’s exciting Djamila Rowe (55) when both are alone on a treasure hunt: “ We’re in such a good mood that we say we got spaghetti bolognese – Cosimo’s favorite food. And say that we gave it up for the team.”

I BEG YOUR PARDON? Effenberg ice cold: “We really want to push them in.” With “we” she probably means herself. And with “them” Cosimo and Gigi – the two had eaten a pizza for two during their treasure hunt instead of choosing the reward (eggs) for the team.

After Bolognese lie Which is now Claudia’s undoing

Of course, the campers don’t suspect anything about the wolf in sheep’s clothing – and celebrate Claudia like a queen who supposedly rejects the bolo. Anyone who thinks that Mrs. Effenberg will quickly undo the food fib again is wrong. Claudia remains silent.

Djamila, on the other hand, has a guilty conscience. On Tuesday she confesses the lie to Cosimo – AFTER she is gently asked to do so by Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen. The DSDS star reacts calmly at first, and even closes in front of the group.

Is not aware of any guilt: Claudia Effenberg

Photo: RTL

And EGOberg? She keeps playing the innocent lamb! Even when Sonja asks her about it, she says NO sound! Cosimo is then asked by Zietlow to break up Claudia’s Bolognese lie. He does – and the celebrities keep their mouths open.

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Gigi rejects Claudia LÜGENberg

It gets really unappetizing on Wednesday evening in the latest episode! After all, everyone now knows. “The topic is not eaten,” says even Camp Sunshine Papis Loveday. “I am really disappointed.”

Especially TV macho Gigi just can’t handle it.

“It’s something different that’s funny,” he says. And then speaks privately with Claudia to make her an announcement: She is history for him! The Italian Casanova ice cold: “For me it was a provocation. That’s why we’re just avoiding each other!”

The dispute-conversation: Gigi makes it clear to Claudia that he is fed up with her

Photo: RTL

Claudia then claims calmly and in a gentle voice that she “wanted to break up the lie all the time”. But the fact is, it doesn’t happen. Not even when she gets the chance to do so several times, even when asked by the moderator team.

Gigi’s conclusion: “She’s playing the wrong game – that’s it.” He no longer wants to be spoken to by her. And further, pretty nasty in his choice of words: “This teacher you just hate – that’s Claudia.”

Djamila is annoyed that she didn’t resolve the Bolo lie much sooner – or prevented Claudia from doing so altogether

Photo: RTL

And Djamila, somehow unhappily involved in the whole Bolo gate, ends up saying THAT what many people think: “I should have just stopped Claudia.” Of course, THAT is all a treat for all Twitter users and viewers in front of the TV .

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Now Zoff in the hotel

while in Jungle camp at Gigi Birofio (23) and Claudia the stove is off, a few kilometers away the celebrities rumble in the Versace Hotel – because of “Team Gigi” and “Team Claudia”.

► Gigi’s buddy and Busch companion Mike Heiter protects the Italian: “Gigi is a straightforward guy, if someone doesn’t suit him, then he approaches the person, addresses it instead of talking behind their backs. He did that.”

Heiter continues: “In my opinion, Claudia is more to blame. Gigi was straight forward to admitting he ate the pizza. He strengthened himself for the team so that he could face the exam in a friendly manner. Claudia wanted to kid Gigi, that backfired. She should have resolved it directly, he saw it as a provocation and took it negatively.”

Bolo gate arrived at the Versace Now the escorts are bickering

► Verena Kerth sees THAT differently.

The blonde was the first to fly out of the jungle camp and has a close friendship with Claudia. And sticks to her bosom friend: “To be honest, I find Gigi’s announcement a bit disrespectful. Action breeds backlash.”

And further: “Actually, you were annoyed about the pizza, but somehow that’s out of the question now, everyone is attacking Claudia. I don’t think that’s justified. She looks sad. I know that she is a person who does not want a fight. Everyone is of course exhausted after so many days, everyone is hungry. You’re more tired than before, and the night shifts are getting longer and longer.”

Kerth thinks that Gigi is so pissed off “totally childish and ridiculous”…

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